Chapter 8

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I groan at the thought of another party, while Terra looks at me expecting an answer. "I don't know, maybe? You know I hate parties and barely made it to the last one." I say, only imagining the horror that would only come during night time parties.  "I know but I really need your support. Please?" Terra asks with her hands folded in front of her chest, almost like a prayer. "I thought you said you didn't need anything?" I say, raising a brow and waving my hands with my headphones still in my hand. "Besides, I don't want to see Riven. He's nothing but a fucking asshole that plays with people and wants their weed." I huff out while throwing my headphones on the desk. I feel my eyes glow as I see Terra's aura flourish with purples, greens, and blues. "I'm sorry Kate, I thought you guys got along good." Terra says and I feel myself scoff at this. "Yeah until I found out that Lady and the Tramp kissed. God! I feel like an idiot! I never got boys in California, what the hell makes me think I would get them now?" I say to her, while pacing until I finally collapsed on my bed. 

"Then he's a moron. You are a very pretty woman who has been through so much, you deserve to put yourself first. Not your family, not us, you. And only you." Terra says, coming to my side and holding my hand. I sigh when she says this and I feel her aura fade back into her usual yellows and greens. "Then yeah, I guess I'll come. If I see Riven though, I make no promises on how I react." I say to her, turning my body towards her. "I'm glad to hear. Now let me finish getting ready and then we will help you." "Wait what?" I say trying to fling my body up of the bed but she was out the door. 

Not even five minutes later, four girls burst into the room making me jump from my closet. I was trying to piece what clothes that Lydia forced into my bag but nothing seemed to come together. The clothes that were in my hand, are now on the floor from the jump scare. I turn to them and as I open my mouth, I freeze. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the dress I hung up when I first got here. Making my way back to the closet, I yank the dress out. A black long sleeve dress with a corset sewn in the middle to make it look like I have curves. It dropped to my ankles while the front was a little shorter, making it looked flared. I turn to the group and I see all their heads nod in approval. "You see, you have some taste. Why can't you dress like this all the time?" I hear Bloom ask and I roll my eyes at this. "My cousin thought it would be good to shove her clothes in my stuff. She said and I quote 'Your clothing sucks, I'm giving you some of my old clothes to make yourselves head bee.'" I hear Bloom scoff at this, and I see her aura glow into a bright red ball. Uh oh. 

"You will never be head bee as long as Stella's here" Bloom said and I feel myself crack. "Good thing I never wanted the title. My cousin is a hell of a lot more vain then I am and it's not something I'm interested in." I sneer out and I see her aura flash from the red to light pink and yellow hues. I sigh in annoyance and turn to head to the bathroom. "Thanks for your help, I guess but I got it from here." I say as I reach the bathroom, threw open the door, and slammed it behind me. 

"What's her problem?" I hear Bloom ask and I hear huffs of annoyance. "Well she hasn't had a good day and here you are making comments that are unnecessary. She's been through tough things you wouldn't be able to comprehend. So why don't you be nice instead of acting like a bitch?" I hear Musa ask Bloom and I don't hear a response. Finishing up getting changed, I threw on some light makeup with a deep purple lipstick and made my way out. I come back to the room to see Aisha and Bloom on Stella's bed while Terra and Musa are sitting on my bed. I feel all the emotions hit me at once from everyone in the room. The sensation from it made me grab the corner of the dresser and I could see Terra's aura spike with a hot pink. Fuck, she saw and she's concerned. 

I shake my head at her and steady myself. Leaving the dresser, I do a twirl and ask "Does this look ok?" With the nods and a very excited "Yes!" from Terra confirmed that we were good to go. Going to the back of my room, I grab the small green bag and tuck it into the dress pocket. Seeing Terra at the door waiting for me, I wrap my arm around hers and we were off to a party. 

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