Part 8 The first addition to the empire

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Y/N=your name

"something." = thinking or telepathy(Will be told if is)

*Action*=Character does something

A week after the end of Shalltear's rebelion:

Hamsuke is herding a gigant basilisk toward Momon , Nabe and Y/N. Y/N was looking bored. 

Y/N: Hey Momon, why did you drag me out here. This sounded fun when you called.

Momon: Don't cry about this, you said that you wanted to do something.

Y/N: This is why I work alone.

Momon: What ever. *Lifts dual blades.*

Momon then dashes towards the gigant basilisk and with one cut took its head off.

Y/N looks at Momon with a "Are you serious." face.

Y/N: Ah yes, very hard quest. 11/10 would do again.

Ainz: Haa haa very funny. Now, I have to head to Nazarick. there are urgent matters I need to attend to.

Y/N: Are you talking about the war with the lizard men?

Ainz: Yes, I have to hammer out details in the forces we will send.

Y/N: And Cocytus is leading the campagin.

Momon: Yes?

Y/N: Why would you send him to lead, unless. Is this a test for him?

Ainz: Yes.

Y/N: Understandable then. If he learns the importance of strategy and scouting out your enemy before attacking it will be a victory for us. Just don't send an army that will hurt Nazarick if it is destroyed.

Ainz: Of course I won't. 

Ainz then chages his clothes back to his magic robes.

Y/N: Can I watch the battle when it happens.

Ainz: Yes, if you come to Nazarick when the battle is happening.

Y/N: I'll be there.

Ainz: Good.

Ainz then makes a portal to Nazarick and dissapears.

Y/N: Well nabe, I am sorry but I have to go to Nazarick as well. Albedo is propably drunk again because of her guilt. I need to go to talk to her.

Nabe: I understand:

Y/N: I leave the reporting of this missions completion to your capable hands.

Nabe: I won't dissapoint.

Y/N: You never do.

Y/N then made a black portal and left for Nazurick. After ariving he made his way to the bar located in the 9th floor. As soon as he opened the door he saw Shalltear leaning into her arms and mumbling.

Y/N: Hey Sous-chef, give me the strongest shot you got.

Sous-chef: Right away young master.

Sous-chef the pours a shot of the strongest alcohol is storage to a shot glass. Y/N takes the glass and sends it down.

Y/N: That always hits the spot. How about a gin and tonic.

Sous-chef: Coming right up.

Sous-chef the quickly mixes the two and give Y/N the glass. After taking a sip Y/N puts the glass down.

Y/N: So Shalltear, what brings you to this esteemed establishment.

Shalltear is still keeping her head to the bar

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