Chapter 2

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Raven was sitting at the table with Arthur. She seemed more cheerful then she usually was in the past couple of months since she was now able to control her powers. "This day won't end!" Arthur complained as he was laying his head on the table. "Only a few more classes Arthur." Luna said as she came and sat down in front of Raven. "So how was your guys school year?" Luna asked half jokingly. "Hmm let's see first part was normal then there was you know the whole crazy woman infects the town with weird black goo shit that we had to stop, and then kinda weird for the last part." Arthur said sarcastically. "Yeah security around important places now is big like if another incident happens the security around the town will become more present." Luna said as Aira, Rose and Sasha came in. They ate their lunches and chatted like normal except for Sasha who just stared angrily at Raven. After lunch the group went to their classes for the rest of the day.
  The bell had finally rung signalling summer vacation for the group which they desperately needed. "Fuck yeah freedom!" Arthur said as they left the school. "You really hate school don't you?" Aira jokingly said to Arthur. "You know it!" Arthur responded. "Well I'm glad that the summer is coming I need a break from working on school." Luna said relieved. "Well I guess we'll see you all tonight for supper." She said as they all left until the evening.
They all met at Luna's house where she made them a steak dinner as they sat and ate enjoying their first day of summer break from school. "Damn this is good well done Luna." Arthur said as he finished. The group continued to chat and enjoy themselves when a strange feeling came over Aira a couple of times. He tried to ignore it but the feeling of uncertainty remained onto him even as he went home with Rose after.
Raven went back to her home and turning on her tv sitting down when she heard her door open. She went to check and what she found was Sasha standing there angrily. "Oh fuck me I was having a good day." Raven said as Sasha slowly came closer to her. What happened after was Sasha trying to kill Raven until Raven managed to knock her out and call Luna to bring Sasha home.
   "Jesus she really wants you dead huh?" Luna said carrying Sasha to the car. "Yeah Im not sure how long I can last this is like the 5th time this month." Raven said exhausted. "Well I'll keep an eye on her but just stay safe i promise she'll eventually forgive you." Luna said as they left Ravens house.

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