Chapter 7

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If someone had told Jungkook that one day he would be sitting on a balcony wrapped in a blanket, staring at the sky with a small human sitting next to him and blabbering words that made no sense to him, he would not have believed it.

He still refuses to believe it. But here he is, face to face with reality. He's definitely out of that torment, but what now?

What is the point of living right now? If he has nothing left to give, why is he receiving things from Taehyung?

Taehyung. What does he want to gain from this? Is he trying to brag about saving someone? Is he a trophy for him to carry and tell everyone that he felt sorry for him after seeing his naked body on the bed with blood all over it?

If not, why would someone save him and keep him in his home? He longs for an answer and wants whatever he is thinking would come true.

He placed his head on the sofa's headrest and gazed directly into the sun. His entire body shook visibly. Jimin paused and stared at him. He held the blanket and wrapped it over his body. "Would you like to go inside?" He inquired, but Jungkook remained motionless.

He sat quietly in his former seat, glancing at Jungkook. His eyes welled up with tears as he recalled something.

He wonders if Jungkook feels the same way. Is he experiencing the same agony that Yoongi did so long ago? He wonders how Yoongi fought all of it when he had no one around him.

Did Yoongi have flashbacks to his past when he saw Jungkook?

Time passes, things change, and the heart heals, but it never forgets or forgives the harsh things that have happened.

After witnessing Jungkook, his heart ached. How long did he go through this agony? His eyes welled up with tears. He sighed, looking up at the sky.

He got up from his seat and stood up in front of Jungkook "Let's go inside, the sun rays are getting stronger" He offered his hand to Jungkook who slightly gazed at his hand.

Jungkook tried to stand by himself but fell. Jimin quickly held him by his shoulder. "It's okay!" He said and then helped Jungkook to get up. He took him to Taehyung's room and made him lie down on the bed softly.

"I am going to make some soup for us. Call me if you need any help." Jimin said and after getting no response from Jungkook, he covered the curtain so the room doesn't get hot. Then he turned on the A.C. and moved out of the room, slightly closing the door.

He was busy cutting vegetables for the soup when he got a call from Taehyung. He received it and put it on the speaker. "Hi, Jimin! Is everything fine at home? Is he okay?" Taehyung asked without waiting for a second.

"Yes! I made him lay on the bed and right now I am making soup for us" Jimin responded while washing the vegetables.

"Okay! Keep looking at him from time to time and keep the room's door open. I will be back by the evening, yeah?" Taehyung requested him and after getting a positive answer he cut the call.

After drying his hand on the apron, he went to open the door of the room, checked up on Jungkook, and sent a message to Taehyung. He then continued making the soup.

Jimin :

I checked up on him, he just lying on the bed.


Okay! Thanks you <3

Jungkook was staring at the room's ceiling all the time. His life has become meaningless. He was a nasty whore, dirty, and pitiful. He had nothing left for himself; he was entirely exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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