Friend Like Family

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He’s a goofy guy, far more than Walt Disney’s goofiest thoughts translated through art and storytelling. His smile is monumental, making marvelous mountains cry. His eyes are bright enough to make the sun’s eyes sear and flood with tears. The vast infiniteness of milky brown that they are makes the never ending universe look small. His voice is as melodic as rain pitter pattering on tin roofs. His laugh is a cool summer breeze accompanied by iced tea with a dash of lemon. Oh, lemons for sure, for as his flavour begins to dissipate, what trails behind is the bitter sweet. The want to taste it again and satisfy the craving for the sugary, summer, iced refreshment, and that laugh does so bring satisfaction. His style is a comforting rainforest hug from the canopies married to the warm orange brought on by October nights. It is a perfect friendship between an evergreen and a sage stick with a hint of jack-o-lantern fun.

He’s an elephant, more gentle than a sedated fly but tall, strong, and sturdy. He lingers on each person’s words as if they are honey on their lips, showing genuine interest in the sweetness of their speech. He’s a parent holding a child’s hand as they cross the street, keeping that child safe with every paternal instinct that he can muster, simultaneously being the pure innocence of the child holding the parent’s hand. His adventurous nature allows him to fly through the air, as if he had wings to glide across oceans and soar above clouds. He mocks me like a hyena with the loveable intentions of an otter. He’s grandma's apple pie made with cinnamon and sugar. As you stare at it sitting on the counter, waiting for it to cool, you think of the warmth it will bring to you upon indulging in it. He plays games where he can move like a loony toon, bouncing around the field faster than any other toon can perceive. He is a magician that amazes you, without you being able to fathom the practice that he puts into his outstanding, entertaining performances. He is the unbreakable bond of a friendship bracelet made by the careful hands of a seven year old girl her first time at summer camp, preparing the gift that her best friend would wear for twelve years after. Upon the awaited snap of the cord used to bond these two, he shall make a new. He is a cozy array of colours like flowers in spring, a sunset in summer, leaves in fall and a fire in winter. He is a friend like family growing closer to me with each word I write and every analogy I make. For, you never truly understood a person until you compare them to the divinities of the world.

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