This Same Old Road

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I'm tired of walking this road. Making a wrong turn and getting lost. I'm missing the street lights. I wonder where they all went. People wrecked their cars into some of the road signs. Some of those people got out of the car, others lied there and died, sank and drowned in their own sorrows and woes. But there's no more readable road signs anymore. Someone went mad and painted them black. And good luck trying to find a car that runs, it's all walking from here. I'd like to say that I could run, but my legs are far too weak, because I've been driving, running, and walking this road since I was in the third grade. You'd think because I've been here for so long, I'd know the street like the back of my hand, but the fact of the matter is, how can you know the street when every bit of it looks the same? How can I know the back of my hand when I don't even remember what it looks like? It's too dark on this road to see much. But that's a good thing, because once your eyes have adjusted to see everything, the dark, the pain, the hurt, has consumed you. My eyes should've adjusted a long time ago, but I hold on to people who aren't stuck like I am. That little gleam of light resting in my eyes acts like a beacon on this road. All of the little lost people that are hardly human anymore flock to me and suddenly, I'm everyone's light in the damn dark. Now, I've got a trail of broken kids, simply children, following me like I'm some sort of masia with all of the answers. But there is a reason I'm on this road. There's a reason I'm stuck here too. I don't know where I'm going. Hell, I'm pretty sure I've passed that same broken down blue car with two white stripes on the front of it a dozen times but these people still trust me. There's no one in that car. I wonder if the owner is in my gaggle of lost souls I'm toating around. It's the blind leading the blind here. I'm just the same as these others. Just the same as anyone else. Lost. It makes me wonder; is there anyone actually in the light or is that just a fairy tale place we tell ourselves about to try not to loose our heads entirely?

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