10 - Journey to Nandor

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Now, after the council meeting, word was sent to Cyprus in Ëngor about the quest to find Pandora's Box. Cyprus brought the message from the King to Jack.

"The only time i go to Nandor is to burn incense at my mother's grave for it was there she passed. And i only visit once in every five years when the dangers are less." Jack said to Cyprus. The two men had met with Bree, Gerald and Gomli in a small field to discuss the news. While Gerald was unable to hide his hopeful excitement for the possible redemption of his long lost daughter, Jack was not welcoming the idea of traveling to Nandor.

"Come on Jack." Gomli said in a pleading tone. "I know just how dangerous it is making voyage to Nandor but this might be our only chance in ages to save our people, other villages, in fact all of The Midlands. Or do you prefer us to continue to live in fear for the rest of our days? We cannot let this evil pass on from generation to generation."

"I do not wish that even in my innermost thoughts." Jack said shaking his head. "But has anyone thought deeply about this first? That witch," Here, he turned to Gerald with an apologetic look. "I mean no offense, Gerald but that witch knows far too much. The evil knows too much. I might end up not returning from Nandor or even making it there at all. We all heard what happened to the Queen, the bloody Queen of Clèopatra herself. I might encounter a fate far worse."

"Jack, you will not be alone." Gerald said encouragingly. "You will be accompanied by a reasonable amount of men, men from every kingdom in The Midlands who wish for their people to be set free just like we do. You will be leading us to our freedom and you are the only man in Ëngor made of the stuff we need to do just that."

"King Hayrion himself put forth your name in that council meeting, Jack." Cyprus said. "In the famous Hall of Kings. They are all counting on you now."

"Why would they? I am not their High King. They could have as well gone to Nandor themselves."

Bree suddenly took hold of Jack by his shirt and drew him away from the gathering. He had been quiet since and his face was lined with anger as he led his friend out of earshot then came up to stand in front of him.

"What?" Jack began. "Are you going to lecture me now like the others? Are you going to pull my ears off and scream into it in the hopes that i will hear you better and decide to go to Nandor?"

Bree sighed heavily. "I remember what happened to Sarah."

Jack suddenly went stiff as Bree mentioned the name of his mother but made no attempts to silence the latter.

"And i know the memory is still fresh in your mind as if it was only yesterday she was lost in Nandor." Bree continued. "She died in a Bèllon season and we both know why. The evil drew her ship underneath. It took your mother even before she could see you grow tiny hairs above your lip. It's taken other mothers, it's taken fathers and brothers and sisters, children and uncles and aunts. It's taken Lilith and it will not stop taking, Jack. The heavens forbid that one day it will take one of our own."

Jack swallowed nervously but remained silent, listening to Bree as he continued to speak.

"We have known each other for years, Jack and you know i will never press you to do something you are afraid of doing all in the name of being brave. But this goes beyond showing bravery - this is being kind, Jack. This is not sailing off to be a hero, it is sailing off to make sure that one day your child will not have to witness this calamity, that they will not hear that it was in their father's power to make changes and he did nothing."

Jack's face became solemn as he stared at Bree. He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I will go with you." Bree continued calmly, placing his hand on Jack's shoulder too. "We will find that Box and this evil will be forced to feel regret for ever snatching a soul out of The Midlands."

Jack smiled warmly. "I am glad to have you by my side, Bree. You are a true friend."

Bree nodded and led Jack to the gathering again.

"Alright," Jack breathed. "I will make the journey to Nandor."

Gerald stood up and shook Jack's hand until it almost went sour, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Save your sentiment for when you see your daughter again, Gerald." Jack said, gently tapping Gerald on his back.

After many days of making preparations; going back and forth between Kingdoms in The Midlands, gathering supplies, men and provisions - the journey to Nandor finally commenced. Seventy brave men boarded a mighty ship gifted to them from King Erebor of Midas, with horses from Queen Rhea of Clèopatra. The men were also bestowed with Calinthian swords, a gift from King Siv for them to use in defense. The ship set sail from the coast of Ëngor and Jack stood at the prow, watching as the land slowly disappeared into the horizon.

Hakin had given Jack a magical compass to navigate the ocean and magic map that showed the land routes for when they arrived Nandor. The crew committed themselves to following the compass strictly in the hopes that they would make landfall sooner than as calculated. An indefinite number of days passed and the journey began to seem tiring to the men. Unknown to them, they had been going in circles somewhere near an island, one called Krane.

On a particular stormy evening, Jack got tired of the pointless and endless sailing. . . and he was a fishermen by profession.

"Where are we?" He inquired of Bree.

Bree checked the compass and glanced up, blinking out the bits of rain that was beginning to drizzle on his face and everywhere else. "I am not sure but we were meant to arrive the Plains of Krane within a week. It should be that island up ahead."

"Yes but have been sailing toward it for many long days." Jack shouted. He walked toward the prow and peered into his telescope for better view of the island. It was indeed Krane, the same one he had peered at the day before and the day before that and the day before that as well. . .

"By Black Beard!" Bree exclaimed as he also peered through the telescope. "We have been going around in bloody circles."

The sky went black and grey clouds became thickened with flashes of lightning. A great sea storm began that lasted hours and wrecked the whole ship. The horses were lost and so were many men. By dawn of the next day Jack found himself all alone, floating with a piece of log in his grip and nothing in sight except the ship's wreckage and the dark sky.

"Bree!" Jack shouted as he walked on the sandy beach of Krane Island. After floating for four days without any hope of survival, luck finally smiled on him and he found himself being washed ashore. The bitter cold stung his arms as his coat was lost. He grieved for the loss of his best friend, sixty nine brave men and their ship. After coming up to shore, he had found a survivor. A man named Rupert who was a member of the ship's crew. Together, they began to search for other survivors as well as food and water but the Island of Krane seemed to be extremely barren.

"Captain," Rupert began. "We must head on to look for the box. It is possible that some of our own have found each other like we have and regrouped somewhere in the island. We mustn't linger until our strengths fade."

"You make a very good point, sailor." Jack agreed. "Onward then."

And so, both men began their tiresome walk into the jungle. Although they were miles and miles away from Nandor, they would not give up hope just yet.

Meanwhile, Lilith was watching the survivors from her den in Nandor. Even she had no idea where Pandora's Box laid but she devised a plan to aid Jack in finding it and then she would destroy it.

"It is not so easy, mistress." The shadow told her. "Pandora's Box cannot be so easily destroyed and that is why it has endured until now. But we must try."

Lilith growled. "Indeed we will. They will all pay."

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