A Kid's Book Chapter 1

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     Ok, let's clear some things up. I sometimes am not the smartest person in the room. For example, I had an essay due last Friday and still had to complete half of it. The worst part was that my English teacher was Mr. Johnson and he was all about time management.

      I finally had to cough up the truth and tell him I wasn't done with my essay and he wasn't so happy about that. He said he'll give me 48 hours to finish and submit it on Monday. As usual, I completely forgot about my essay on Saturday and I only remembered to finish it when I was in bed on Sunday at 10:30 pm

      I was so scared because Johnson was a legit psychopath who goes to sleep at 11:50 and wakes up at 11:55 to start his day and check if kids submit their assignments before 12:01 am (I know because he constantly complains that he's tired). I immediately started working on it and I finished at 11:55 PM and went for a bathroom break. I guess my brother was woken up by the sound of my typing. So he probably thought this was the perfect opportunity to play a prank.

      He quietly tiptoed towards my computer, typed in I AM A FOLLISH BOZO in capitals and size 30 words, and quickly went back to bed. I came back from the bathroom and sat down and looked at the clock. The time was 11:59 and 55 seconds.

      I was relieved because I still had 5 seconds to submit my essay till the workaholic woke up. I looked at the screen and I saw this misspelled monstrosity was on the screen

4 seconds left... OH SHOOT WHAT SHOULD I DO!

3 seconds left... OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD...

2 seconds left... This was probably the dumbest mistake of my life

     I quickly looked at my side and I saw a sharpie next to my arm. I popped off the lid and quickly crossed out the words on my screen

1 second left...  CLICK, BOOP! submit

      I was pretty relieved that I submitted it right before Mr. Johnson's account Icon popped up to look at it. Only five seconds later I realized my mistake. The next day Mr. Johnson and I had a little talk. I tried to tell him that whatever happened was my brother's doing but he thought I was trying to inculpate  him. After that, I had to go to a school counselor because he said I had low "Self-esteem" as well as an extra extra English class because my brother does not know how to spell "Foolish"

     Who knew that my brother doing badly in English would affect me?

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