Pride Harvest {2} (2/3)

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A/N: I'm so sorry for how much I'm referring to Akito as "the ginger" I refuse to say "the man" very often and I don't want it to feel repetitive. I'm not joking about his hair color I swear (I wrote this the second I wrote "the ginger")


7:56 A.M. Akito stood impatiently at the front door, waiting for Toya to arrive. He had been waiting for an entire day, and his argument with An from the previous day just drained his patience for anything. Toya was never late— or early— to anything, and the ginger was mildly worried this might be his first time being even a few minutes late.


7:58 A.M. Every minute that passed by felt like a millennia, Akito's mind betraying him. He could feel Ena periodically staring at him, though it was only for a few seconds. The man kept checking his phone, twice every few seconds. The time on his phone turned to 7:59... and Toya was yet to be there. He had given up, turning back and slowly walking to his bedroom, every footstep loud and filled with disappointment. Even as he walked away, the internal ticking sounds of an imaginary clock played in his head.

Only a few steps later, there was a knocking at the house's door. Akito quickly turned around (again), and hastily went back to the door, opening it, filled with excitement. Toya stood at the other side, somewhat startled by how quickly Akito had opened the door (around 3.31 seconds). Akito slightly edged closer to Toya, with Toya pulling him in fully, kissing Akito, a slight red color covering his face. The kiss had lasted for a minute, though it had felt like mere seconds to both of them. Akito slightly stepped away, fully ending the kiss.

     "Hello, dear." Toya said softly, slightly deepening the slight blush on Akito.

"ah... Hello, Toya."
     "Shall we go to the harvest now?" Akito quickly answered with a slight nod, and grabbed Toya's wrist, sprinting towards the harvest's area. Quickly running by several people, people that they took no note of, they hadn't noticed Ena, glaring at Toya.


"Hmph... Mizuki, I don't trust that idiot."
"Uh... who exactly? Your li'l bro?"
     "...Why the hell would Akito be the idiot? He always is one, I wouldn't point it out now, you dumbass." Ena scoffed, slight anger visible on her face.
     "Soo... li'l bro's boyfriend? Why wouldn't you trust him?"
     "Why would I? He looks like the exact type to ch-"
     "How does someone even look like that? I don't think cheaters have a visible appearance, Ena."
     "Well- shut up. I just don't like him, and I don't think it'll end well."
     "Do you care about Li'l bro?!"
     "Not really. We aren't even that close." Ena shook her head slightly, and confusion spread across Mizuki's face. They continued walking in silence. The Harvest's location wasn't anywhere near the Shinome's household, and it could take hours to get there if they didn't go fast enough. They walked a bit quicker, making it be closer to a sprint than a jog or a walk, yet too slow to be considered running.
"So Ena, do you think Mafuyu and Kanada are gonna be there?"
"I doubt Kanade's gonna go outside, and Mafuyu's probably busy. So probably not."
"Damn... it would've been fun to check out the festival with them."
"Festival...? I thought it was just for the harvest season."
"It's a pride event, I think."
"How the hell do they make so many events... ahem! Maybe there'd be a lot of good pictures to take? I could get a ton of likes through the festival!"
"Well... I guess you could? But that shouldn't be the point... besides, we should enjoy our date."
"Mhm! Well... enjoy the festival!" A small, awkward laugh coming from Mizuki.
"Weird way of putting it but... hmph, nevermind. Let's just continue." Ena shook her head, running past Mizuki, hoping to get there before her brother. She didn't wanna come after everyone's posted about it on social media (which could potentially ruin her chances of likes), and she didn't wanna arrive at the same time as her younger brother. She had no interest in small, awkward talk.

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