So... This is love?

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Soap's Perspective
I waked up... Simon is gone...

I called him softly... Maybe he walked back to his room early in the morning... He is a "early wakeing" person... So thats why I think this... But I hear footsteps...

-Yes McTavish?
Its Ghost... So he is not left me in my room... I am surprised...

-Oh Good morning Lutheraiant...

-Good morning Sir...

-Did you have nightmare this night?

-Yes... But after I woke up I hugged you and sleep back...




-Thank you for let me sleep with you Sir...

-No problem Lutheraiant...
He smiled.... He wearing his backlava but he rolled it up to his nose. I softly smiled back to him...

-So.... Did you had breakfast?

-No I don't... I waited you to wake up...

-Oh... Well lets do it...

-Okay... I will wait you in the kitchen. While you dress up....

He go to the kitchen and I started dressimg up...

Ghost's Perspective
I sit on a chair and waiting for Mc... I don't know why I call him "Sir" its just a little bit funny... I love to annoy him... I call him "shortie" and put my arm on his shoulder or my hand on his head... He is always mad about it and I laughing always... He is not that short... There is only 1 centimeter between us... But I love annoy him with that 1...

-I am here...


-So.... What we will eat?

-I don't know... What you want Mate?
He asked while sitting next to me....

-Well... I don't know it too...

-Ceral... Basic but good...

-Yeah... You are right... Can you make it to me too?

-Of course I can...
He said this with a soft smile... I am blushed a little bit... I like him... And his smile just cute... He standed up and start to make breakfast...

-What you drink? Coffee or tea?



-But do it how you like it...

-What? Do you want like how I do it for myself..?


-But how do you know how my coffee tastes..?

-Well once you left your mug on your desk and there was a little coffee still in the mug... So I drinked it...
He blushed a little bit... But this is true that I drinked his coffee...

-... So thats why it tasted strange...

-What do you mean...?

-When I put coffee to the mug... It tasted wierd... It tasted cigarett... And...


-Yeah... But not really... Mostly like beer....

-Oh... I understand....
He smiled....

He gived me my bowl and coffee...

-Thank you Sir....

-No problem Lutheraiant...
And we both started eating...

-So.... Why are you so kind to me?

-You are my brother Simon!


-You are my brother... I will take care of you... No matter what!
I smiled after he said this to me... Its really cute and kind from him... Sadly we are just "Brothers" I want him like a lover boyfriend... He is kind, cute and really nice... So this is what I like in some people... But he is the perfect boyfriend....

-You are really quiet McTavish...

-I know....

-Whats the matter....?
I asked while I touched his face.... He automatcihly blushed...

-I don't like to speak lately...

-Ohhh... I understand...
I started to feel love to him more than before...

-Its a problem?

-No. If you don't want to speak you will not... I am not mad at you for this Capitan...

Soap's Perspective
I don't know... Its calmed me down for no reason... I just want to kiss him now... Right here...

-Well McTavish... I have to go... Okay?

-Oh.. Okay... Have a great day Lutheraiant...

-Have a great day Capitan...
He said and left my room... I... Don't know why I am loveing a person who is not love me back, I mean Simon is not gay... In my eyes... Or maybe yes, thats why he is like to touching me, but this is nonsene... He is not gay...

-I love you Simon Riley but I know you won't love me back...
I said softly... I gonna smoke because I feel not very well... I picked up my hoodie and go outside of the building... I use that ignater what Simon gave me yesterday...

-Why this is not lighted up?...
I took it apart... There was a note inside the ignater... "Forever with you". I am sure somebody gave this to Simon... And he knowed it... Or maybe not... But... To be sure, he is irresponsible... Why he gave it to me...? I standed up... I have to find him...

Ghost's Perspective
I hope McTavish finded the note that I left to him in the ignater... I really hope it...

McTavish opend the door...


-Be cearfull next time when you gave something...

-What do you mean?

-... Well... The ignaiter...

-Oh... You find the note... Don't you?

-Yeah... Who gave it to you?

-Nobody... I writed it...


-Yes... I bough this ingater for you Sir...

-Do... Do you?.. Lov-
I don't let him finish it... I kissed his lips...

-Yes... I love you...
I said after i stopped kissing him..

-I love you too Simon...
And he hugged me...

-I am never gonna leave you...

-I am never gonna leave you too Simon...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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