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"Finally my arm is free!" Felix was relieved he no longer had to wear a cast and was fully back to normal.

"Still be careful." Chan ruffled Felix's head of hair, beaming a dimpled smile.

"I will Chan! Is everything okay?" Felix noticed Chan was looking for something.

"I think I dropped my bus pass, we can just take a cab." Chan gave a reassuring smile, wishing he put gas in his car.

They went to the main road and waited to wave down a taxi. To their luck it didn't take to long.

Once the taxi stopped they both got in the backseats.

Chan gave the taxi driver the address and they were on their way home.

Felix wasn't sure why but he definitely felt uneasy. He kept his gaze out the window and grabbed Chan's hand, holding it to calm himself down.

Chan noticed this and began rubbing his thumb against Felix's hand.

"Is everything okay Lix?" Chan quietly asked.

Felix turned and nodded his head yes to lesson the older's worries. Chan knew he wasn't telling the truth.

"We'll be home soon." Chan tried to reassure the younger.

"There some waters in the cup holder in case you guys get thirsty." The taxi driver man offered some water.

"Here, it might help." Chan grabbed two waters and offered one to Felix.

Felix hesitated to take it but took it anyways.

Felix watched Chan open it so he did as that, he felt more uneasy when the bottle cap didn't click, meaning it was already opened before hand. He took the cap off and sniffed it, his eyes widened as there was a faint scent to it. But being a trained assassin and dealing with spiked drinks, there was a certain drug that had a faint smell to the drink.

He whipped his head towards Chan who was already downing the water.

"Chan!" Felix called out to the older which caught his attention.

"What is it Felix?" Chan stopped what he was doing after hearing how frighten Felix sounded.

"The water!" Felix warned but since Chan had already downed half the water he watched the older's eyes become heavy.

Hearing Felix in the back seat the driver looked through the rear mirror with nothing but cold dark eyes.

"Channie?" Felix's eyes were beginning to water when Chan was now unconscious.

"Damn it . . ."

Felix turned his head to the front after hearing the driver curse under his breath.

Felix's eyes darkened and with no hesitation he unbuckles himself to hop in the passenger's seat and digs through the glove box, finding a hand gun straight away. He points the gun at the man.

"Pull over." Felix's deep cold voice startled the man.

The man does as he says, parking right by a field.

"The hell do you want? Why drug innocent people?!" Felix was never to ask questions but he's become a bit softer.

"None of your damn business!" The man shouted in the freckle's face.

"Get out." Was all Felix said.

"Or what?" The man gave a confident devilish grin.

Felix looked at the gun then back at the man, he had an itch to shoot but had everything in him to hold himself back for the more peaceful life he craved.

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