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Eudora was so excited to get to class today. Kaldur would be there and they were tutoring with Prince Orm this time. Today should be a good day.

However, as she got to class she could already see that Kaldur was preoccupied with talking to Tula. Instantly her mood soured. She could see the torch Kaldur had for Tula, even if he didn't exactly know what the feeling was.

The class was relatively standard as far as learning goes, although she couldn't help but notice that Prince Orm was a little more attentive to her than the other three in the class. Others have said she looked much like he did, even if she was darker skinned. Her father wasn't in the picture though, and her mother refused to talk about him so she didn't know who her father was. Prince Orm didn't seem the type to fraternize though and have an illegitimate child with a lower-class Atlantian, and if he was it wasn't her place to judge. He was the Prince after all, next in line to the throne while King Orin and Queen Mera had yet to have an offspring of their own.

When class was dismissed she wanted to talk to Kaldur, but he went straight after Tula with Garth following behind. She couldn't help but feel somewhat left out as a frown made itself known on her lips.

"Eudora, wait a moment would you?" Prince Orm asked causing her to turn, her friends long gone oblivious to her troubling emotions.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Might I ask your lineage?" The question confused her but she nodded.

"My mother is a weaver down by the trenches. I do not know who my father is." He hummed at this with a nod.

"Just a weaver's child? You seem to possess magic far more capable than that. Your mother never mentioned who your father is?" She shook her head.

"Mother will not speak of him. I learned to stop asking."

"Swim with me, I'll escort you home." She nodded a bit confused. "Mind discussing what magic you have?"

"Aside from what I am learning in my studies with the queen, I have the ability to pain share. At least that is what I understand of it. I can transfer the pain from one being to either myself or another being. It takes more energy but I can store the pain for a time and release it all in a burst that has made a crater in one of the trench walls." She tucked her head a bit in embarrassment. "I can not do that often. When I tested it the first time I fell unconscious."

"A powerful tool. Mind showing me the crater? I'd like to get a feel for your power in order to teach you better."

"I guess." She led the way to one of the lower trenches near where she lived. It was quiet and unpopulated. She created an orb of purple light that had tints of aqua in it so they could see the damage she caused. She pulled the orb out into a larger sphere they could swim in so he could see the wall of the trench better. The diameter of the crater was more than several meters wide while the depth was maybe a couple of meters deep.

"I'm gonna guess this is what caused the seismic activity we detected a couple of weeks ago." She shrunk on herself.

"Probably." She mumbled.

"I'll see about creating a curriculum that will take into account the parameters of your ability. With practice, you should be able to control the output." Prince Orm marveled at the damage she had caused and inspected it closer.


"Yes, I believe you just need to harness the focal point of your projection. Instead of hitting a large space, you might even be able to make it more narrow like a spear." He turned to look at her, noticing behind her the other wall had a similar mark as the one he was just inspecting. "This much power would not come from just a weaver. Whomever your father is, he has a strong connection to magic. Something he would have passed on to you." He turned to regard her with something akin to how a parent would at a child whose pleased them. She hovered there confused in a bit of awkwardness, not entirely sure why Prince Orm would take an interest in her. "Let's get you home." She nodded and made the light disappear.

She swam up to her house when Prince Orm was called away. Thinking nothing of the encounter she entered her home letting today's events crash over her mood. First, there was Kaldur and Tula, then there was them leaving her behind after class, then the weird getting-to-know-you session with Prince Orm. Today was weird. Hopefully tomorrow she could get to talk with Kaldur, she needed to tell him her feelings before she chickened out. Although him being around Tula so often she was surprised he hadn't said anything to her yet.

The next day of classes was with Queen Mera, she was teaching them about new runes that they could draw power from. One of the soldiers interrupted the class.

"Excuse the interruption your highness. Eudora, Prince Orm would like to speak with you regarding your new studies." She could feel three sets of eyes on her as she looked to the soldier.

"He didn't clear this with me?" Mera spoke quietly but then looked to Eudora who only looked confused. "You may go, but I'll expect your report just like the others."

"Yes, your highness." As she went to leave Kaldur grabbed her hand. Feeling her heart beat sky rocket she had to keep her cool. "I'll be back shortly. His highness only wanted to help me with my future studies."

"Be safe." He said as he let go and she left the room following the soldier.

It was just the two of them as they swam to meet the prince. However, with as quiet as it was one would have thought they'd sense the intruder before the attack. A blast of light struck the soldier in the side and just as she turned around a hand was on her throat.

Her hands flew to the arm attached to the hand that held her captive, all the while ignoring the sharp pain now in her side. She glanced at the attacker and her blood ran cold.

Ocean Master was the one who had her by the neck.

"It would be best not to fight. I could easily snap your neck." She didn't dare move, struggling to breathe as it was. "I know who you are. And I want your power." She could feel her energy drain from the pain in her side. "I wonder if your father will come to your aid." He taunted with a grin.

"D-do not k-know-" She struggled to get the words out and watched the villain tilt his head.

"You don't know who your father is?" He seemed amused while she found it harder to keep focus. "Allow me to enlighten you, princess." He let out a dark chuckle and leaned in closer. "Your father is the Prince. A young Orm had a midnight affair many years ago. You can't deny the resemblance, Eudora."

That was the last thing she heard before her world went dark.

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