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"Ocean Master has been seen in the western section."

Kaldur and the others looked to the hall in worry. That was where Eudora was headed.

"You three are to stay here, the soldiers will handle this." She said, trying to hide her worry. Surely Eudora was safe with the soldier that was to escort her to Prince Orm.

The noise of the halls quieted down and their studies finished shortly after. The three students quickly left the room with the intention of finding Eudora.

After searching where Eudora should have been they were slightly panicked, where was she if she wasn't where Prince Orm taught? In fact, Prince Orm was missing as well.

"Where could they be?" Garth asked as he looked over the room, it looked like no one had been there.

"Surely they just got out early, or they were meeting elsewhere?" Tula tried. Hoping to be optimistic.

"Let us go investigate then. They must be somewhere." Kaldur said. He's feeling a little guilty since lately he's been blowing her off. He's been having conflicting feelings lately, he knows he likes Tula as a little more than a friend, but he's feeling something similar for Eudora as well. Like a simmering flame just waiting for the right gust of wind to blow it into an inferno.

He just wasn't sure he wanted to catch that fire yet.

He feels bad about avoiding her and now a sinking rock settled into his stomach. He followed the others as they continued their search for their friend.

They find a rush of people going in and around one of the medical rooms.

"What's going on?" Tula asked a passing guard.

"Ocean Master has vanished for now, but three are injured."

"Three?" Kaldur asked hoping that Eudora wasn't one of them.

"Yes. One of our guards, Prince Orm, and a student. With Ocean Master about, you three should head home, and keep safe." With that the soldier swam off, probably to join in the search for the villain.

Kaldur moved closer to the room hoping to see if he could get any visual confirmation. The guard said that they were injured, but not how bad.

He was able to sneak into the room while the others stayed outside. The three were being attended to. He found Eudora on her own cot, what looks to be a bruise forming on her neck. The medical workers were working on her side though. Her side was being sewn shut. He noticed Prince Orm was also in a similar condition. He must have come to her aid first attempting to check her injuries not knowing of her pain share ability.

He left the room, knowing that he would be of no help to them in their condition, his friends were waiting for him.

"It looks like she got hit in the side. The same with Prince Orm, the guard wasn't as lucky."

"Will they be okay though?" Garth asked.

"I believe they will. The healers are doing their best."

The three left the medical ward and headed home as they had been told.

It took almost three days for Prince Orm to come to and explain what he had come across. He had told them that he somehow spooked Ocean Master away from Eudora. Instead of giving chase he tended to Eudora and ended up with a cut on his side.

An additional three days and Eudora woke as well.

She headed home a little out of it, but no one stopped her. At least not until Prince Orm cornered her in one of the halls.


"Your Highness." She bowed her head.

"I understand you wish to go home, but I need to ask. When Ocean Master attacked you he was speaking before I got there, do you remember what he said?" He asked and all of her memories came back to her.

'When had Prince Orm gotten there?' She wondered as she shook her head. She couldn't tell him that Ocean Master accused him of being her father. "I am sorry sir, I do not recall."

"That's alright. I'm sorry our studies got interrupted. Get rest and when you're better we can go over the curriculum." She nodded and headed off.

She mulled over her thoughts and came to the conclusion that she couldn't tell anyone that Ocean Master spoke to her, nor the fact that Prince Orm might be her father.

She made it home after taking a long detour and noticed the door was open, making her uneasy. Surely Ocean Master hadn't found her home or her mother yet, right?

Making her way inside she found her mother, dead in the arms of Ocean Master. Although he seemed mournful.

"Eudora," He said looking up. She tried to back away but found herself unable to. He carefully laid her mother down and moved closer to her. "The ocean isn't safe anymore. Black Manta knows who you are and plans to use you to get to the throne." He was unusually gentle in comparison to the last time she saw him. "You'll have to go top side to the surface world. Blend in with the humans. You'll be out of Manta's reach up there, at least for a little while."

"But what about my studies? My friends? This is my home." She was confused by the villain in front of her. Why was he interested in her well-being?

"They are unnecessary. Your studies will only make you stand out on the surface. You'd drag your friends down with you if Manta knows who you are. You will be safer on the surface."

"Why do you even care what I do or where I go?" She watched him carefully. He was in her personal bubble now but wasn't threatening. He brought his hands up to his mask. Pulling it off her eyes widened, in front of her was Prince Orm. "Your Highness?"

"Please Eudora. I just lost your mother. I can't lose you too. Go to the surface world. I will try and keep everything under wraps here." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Please, be safe. I couldn't imagine what I would do if anything were to happen to you."

"You knew I was yours?"

"I've known for a little bit, I'll admit I was an absent father. I didn't know you were born, your mother and I split not on the best of terms. With you in my class though, I pieced it together. I'm sorry. Let me do this one good thing for you. It isn't safe in the water anymore. Please, go to the surface." She was unsure how to respond so she only nodded her head. "Thank you." He pulled a small pouch from his pocket. "This should work on the surface. It's their currency so be careful with it. Get yourself food, and try to blend in. Hopefully, I will be able to contact you shortly." He leaned his forehead to just barely touch hers. "Be safe my princess."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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