Whatever (Angst)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader

Summary: You catch your best friend Bucky matching with another woman online and you can't help but feel protective over your favorite super soldier.

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: Mentions of insecurities, jealousy, a lot of dialogue and angst.

"Y/n!" You heard as Sam called your name from the kitchen of the Compound.

Making your way around the corner and into the room, your eyes caught Bucky's as you noticed him and Sam sitting side by side at the island, hovering over Bucky's phone.


"You have to look at this." Sam said pointing at the device in Bucky's hand.

Coming up behind the two of them, you glanced at Bucky's phone and saw the photo of a woman displayed on his screen, the words "It's a Match!" glowing tauntingly above her picture.

Biting back the feeling of your heart sinking into your stomach, you cleared your throat and turned to Sam.

"Yeah?" You said, attempting to mask the hurt in your voice. "What about it?"

At your response, Sam threw his arms up in the air and laughed in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" He shouted. "How does a woman like thatmatch with a guy like this?"

Glancing back over Bucky's shoulders at the photo you shrugged.

You had to admit that the woman was gorgeous- anyone with eyes would be able to see it- just the sight of her made you shrink back into yourself, seeing none of yourself in the unnamed woman and knowing that you weren't her- the one Bucky did want.

However, you knew that no matter utterly stunning she may be- she couldn't compare to Bucky.

You could barely believe the way Bucky and Sam were talking about the two of them- as if the woman Bucky hadn't even said one word to had hung the stars in the sky and that Bucky would be lucky to have her.

You knew better though.

You knew Bucky better.

Any woman- especially the one he had just matched with- would be lucky to have him. Although the woman was no doubt beautiful- you could feel your breath catch in your throat anytime his eyes met yours- he was breathtaking. Although the woman's short bio made her seem like fun- Bucky could make you laugh in a way another person hadn't done in years.

He was skilled, intelligent, kind-

you could go on all day.

"She's completely out of his league!"

Snapping out of your own thoughts, you shoved at Sam, nearly knocking him off of his stool.

"She's not 'out of his league'." You defended Buck.

"She kind of is." Bucky finally interjected, looking over his shoulder at you.

A thick silence settled around the two of you as your eyes met Bucky's- not missing the hint of defeat in his gaze.

Turning away you shook your head.

"She really isn't though, Buck." You said unable to look at him.

"Am I the only one not in on some joke right now?" Sam asked, looking around the room. "Are there hidden cameras or something? Y/n, she's a model."

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