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I finished cooking and put the food down. 'I made pancakes!!' I say. They looked livid Eret gonna die. But more spending for me!!!. 'Thank you' they said. I just nod. 'Can I speak to you privately uh dear?' Eret said looking down at me cause he was still standing. 'Sure' I say getting up and putting my plate in the sink. I followed him.

They couldn't hear us unless..

'What did you want to talk about?' I asked closing the door behind me. 'Heard you got two new sugar daddy's!!...' He say looking happy for me. 'I'm so excited for you!!' He continued. I smile.'well thank you' I say. 'But how long do We have to continue this act? There going to kill you did you not see not expressing!'i exclaimed realizing our mistake. 'It's fine if they find out just-' he said getting cut off by someone at the door. 'We most definitely would' someone behind me said. Sh*t

'You guys were fake dating? why?' He said acting as if he could me cheating on me. 'I uh drama!!' Eret said then gulp they were strong then us combined maybe most likely don't want to know.

I put my acting still too work.

I started fake crying. 'I-im so-sor-ry' i grab them into a hug. They immediately hugged me back. 'Wait no dont cry' Wilbur said worried they tought it was true l*sers. 'We're sorry please don't cry' Schlatt added. I was laughing on the inside but I managed not to laugh somehow. 'Do you want to go shopping?' Wilbur suddenly said. 'Y-yes' I say trying to stop myself from crying. 'Okay let's go!' He picked me up 'hey I'm coming!' Schlatt Said 'no your not' Wilbur added. 'You can stay here or something' he said 'as for you Eret I think you should leave..'he said creepily at him.

'Uh yeah, yeah!!' He said nervously. He left.

He dropped me at the front door to put his shoes on. Schlatt looked calm? Something was up. I grab my shoes and put them on. 'Thank you..' I whispered 'it's okay sorry for making you cry' he said guilty. haha. I'm so smart. Then suddenly Schlatt yells out 'bye pumkin!!' Probably trying to make Wilbur jealous and it worked.

He leave the house I don't lock the door. Schlatt was still there he had an extra key anyways. 'Your not going to lock the door?' He said 'Schlatt has a key to my house' I added then realized my mistake. 'Wait what since when.' He said as we continue walking to the car. We got in 'since I was sick' I responded. 'Why did he call you pumkin?!' He said grab the steering wheel and starting the car. 'He ask if he could call me that and I agreed' I say he looked mad? Hard to read.

He started driving and put his hand on my tight gently. As if he was trying to make me his which was definitely his plan. He parked the car and we got out. 'Get whatever you want my treat!' He said I grinned my plan worked!! Haha more money for me.'thank you' I trying putting on the shy boy look which I knew they both loved. he blushed . We walk in and I already see a shop I want to visit and i grab him by the arm!

(After shopping)

'Thank for this..' I say looking up at him he six inches taller then me. I look at his arm there filled with bags you could barely see his jacket. 'You welcome' he said smiling.

We got in the car. It was silent he looked deep in his toughts i don't want to disturb him. We arrived at my house. I didn't open the car door yet. He looked at me eye full of lust. I knew what was about to happened but that for you to find out readers, oh damn broke the fourth wall my bad.

'Hey Quackity..?' He said sweetly. 'Yes?' I say looking at him. 'I'm going to regret not doing this so..' he then suddenly pulled me into a kiss it wasn't short but wasn't to long I kissed back. We stopped he was now tomato red. 'I- sorry it was stupid!!' He said realizing what he did. 'no no it's okay!! Don't worry about it!!' I say 'thank you...' he whispered I pretend I didn't hear it. 'We'll I should get doing see you tomorrow!' I say grabbing my stuff and leaving.
He waved still tomato red, I waved back.

I walked into the house no one I tought but the door was unlocked? Weird. I take my shoes off and walk downstairs with my stuff the lights in my room were off. I didn't leave them like that did i? Huh.

I put my stuff down in the dark then I go to open the lights. Turn around and you know what I see. Schlatt. He looked at me the same way Wilbur did. I also knew were this was going. 'Hey pumkin..' he said pinning me to the wall wow kinky I like it. 'Sorry for this..' he said as he pulled me into a kiss. And you know what I did was a whore I kissed back. I could feel him grin. He pulled way 'love you..' he said in my ear then walked away and left my house. I just sat down on my bed.

What just happened?

Two attractive guys just kissed me oh no what they tell the whole school? Well everyone knows there a little crazy for me. I laid down. I think I should just forget about tonight. Yeah best idea! But I'll saw them tomorrow and it'll be embarrassing especially if they fight they say it out loud and- I cut myself off oh shut anxiety if they do they do what will everyone hate me I'll just cry saying they forced me which was kinda true but I still injoyed both of them I- just go to sleep brain.

I fell asleep.


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