Double trouble

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Quackity POV:
I move in with my mom and my sister who lived in America, so you know what that mean different schools, the only thing that was stressing me out was going to a different
school. "It's going to be okay, just don't get involved with Wilbur and Schlatt when they fight and it'll be okay." Said Alexa my sister "Say who is this Wilbur and Schlatt you're talking about?" I said. "Well, they fight all they time, breaks lunch even mornings, they never get along. So if your friends with one the other becomes your enemy that's why they have a small friend group each. Uhm oh! And never get in there way of fighting last new kid tried stopping it pick me style and ended up in the hospital.'' '' EVEN IT THE MORNINGS?!''
'' yeah it shocked everyone at first but you'll get used to it, now come on it's time to go''she said
''Fine, bye mom love You!'' We said the last part together '' love you too darlings'' And we left walking for school.

We arrived and my sister asked me to follow her she was going to introduce me to her friend
Group and show me the school. So she took my arm and started running to her friends ''Hi George, Sapnap and Dream'' she said while pointing at them I think Sapnap asked ''who is that?'' ''That's my brother! He'll be joining us!''
She said with lots of energy. ''Well I have to show him around so we'll go now!'' She said I waved bye while she took my arm and ran in the school while her friends were giggling at the scene.She showed me around school I found it huge and confusing '' you'll get used to it'' she said again with still to much energy everyone looked tired but not her. We were walking and then she stop saying '' oh there fighting again come one let's go see, they usually spill drama about other people something, it's hilarious" she said while again taking me by my arm. As soon as we arrive I can hear yelling and then I saw two people fighting they look like they were in a screaming match like nothing could stop them at all I understand why the last new kid got send to the hospital. Then out of nowhere when you tought nothing could stop them one of them stared dead at me he had brown hair with a white streak in it, a brown jacket, dark red eyes that looks like blood. he stared at me like he was going to eat me everyone immediately took notice and also stared at me I was confused, nervous and I was panicking inside my sister was also confused. The other guy he was fighting sharply turned around and also stared staring at me the same way I was so uncomfortable.My sister tried everything to distract them nothing worked until someone yelled "I THINK THEY BOTH LIKE THE NEW KID!" Everyone gasped realizing it was truth. My sister whispered in my ear " oh no this is bad we have to go..." while everyone started whispering. She took my arm again and we ran fast out of there I could hear someone following us I turned around while running too see the two guys chasing us. We got to the rooftop and hide they didn't see us.
I turn to my sister asking what the heck just happened the bell rang saying you need to head to class and I starting getting up my sister stopped me saying ''look I know this is your first day and all but you can't go they will find you.'' She said whispering '' why are we hiding?'' I said confused. '' because they are both a little crazy and they like you so they'll start asking you too many question which I know you hate and I don't think you want drama in your life so we better hide until they leave.'' '' but how do you know they both like me?'' I said whispering '' didn't you see the way the stared at you in was creepy and they chased us so.'' '' when can we go?'' I said bored all ready. '' when ever they leave and give up which might be a while.then my sister got a call luckily her ring tone isn't loud she answered pretty quickly we were so close I could here the phone call

???: omg girlie where did you go everyone is still here asking, btw your on speaker everyone can hear you.

Alexa:were hiding from them on the roof top there looking for us we'll probably have to stay here today until they give up

???: Yikes, well you should come out soon I love drama oh wait a teacher is coming gtg bye!!

Alexa: yeah bye!

''Now what do you mean by 'until they leave' WERE STUCK HERE UNTIL THEY LEAVE?!'' I screamed shocked
'' oh no run!'' She said while running basically carrying me while the two chased us asking me questions like
Where are you from?
What's your name?
What's your favorite food/color?
What's your favorite restaurant?
To be honest I hated but loved the attention.

We ran until we landed in math class ''sorry were late teacher'' said Alexa trying to catch her breath after running. ''and where were you two?'' he said curiously ''if you really want to know we were running from Wilbur and Schlatt''she said still trying to catch her breath.'so that's there names' I said in my head, the teacher asked us to sit down and started class again until two minutes later the same guys who were Wilbur and Schlatt barged in and just sat down behind me. I could feel there stares.

It was now lunch time and I sat on the roof top with no lunch cause I don't really eat. Then the two guys who I now knew where Wilbur and Schlatt sprinted to sit next to me.

???:Hi I'm Wilbur and you are?

Quackity:I'm Quackity... I said while mumbling

???: Well nice to meet you I'm Schlatt!

Wilbur: hey where's your lunch you can have some of mine?

Schlatt: or you can have mine!

Quackity: oh no it's okay I'm not hungry...

Wilbur: are you sure..? I don't mind sharing, really!

Schlatt: did you eat already?

I knew if I said no they would stop asking 'yes I did...'

Schlatt: oh okay wel-. He was cut off by my sister saving me.

Alexa: come on Quackity we have to go uhm.. meeting.

Schlatt: who are you to say what he does?he said clearly still wanting to talk to me

Wilbur: yeah, why would you stop him from even talking to us this morning?

Alexa: Well if you really want to know were un identical twins. Now come on Quackity time to go. She said while pulling me away.

'Thank you' I whispered while walking away, I could still feel there stares.'your welcome, now come on your joining my table with my friends' she said while sitting down at a table.

Sapnap:hey your back, wait isn't this the kid that Wilbur and schlatt like?

Alexa: yeah he is, but he's also my brother.

George: what's your name?

Quackity: oh Uhm my name is Quackity..

Sapnap:you know you seem pretty shy and lonely I wonder why 'double trouble' like you.

Quackity: double trouble?

Alexa: oh it's the two guys who won't leave you alone.

Quackity: oh uhm okay, are they still staring at me?

Dream: yes they are it's kinda creepy, like someone who hasn't ate in a couple of days and finally sees food.

Alexa: oh shut up your only making it worse


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