✨ Part 8 ✨

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Mikasa thought it was strange that she didn't see or hear anything about Jean the rest of the day. But she didn't know how to feel about it. She didn't really care, it was just weird. 

She went to the last classes of the day but didn't really listen, she was tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night, but she had a lot of fun, so no regrets! Suddenly something caught her attention, the word 'group project', but she was so tired that she didn't even know what class she was in. I'm screwed, she thought for herself, she didn't listen at all, she had no idea what kind of group project or what class she was in. 

Teacher: "You will get to know the groups tomorrow, it will be 2 in each group" 

Mikasa sighed in relief. Great... At least I didn't miss who my group member is. She didn't really care who it would be, the only people she knew was Armin and Jean. She looked around to see if any of them was here in this classroom. But no. Unfortunately Armin wasn't here, and Jean is gone somewhere. He probably went home or something. After the bell rang, they all stood up and walked out. Mikasa walked to her locker, took out all her stuff and started walking out of school. She happened to walk next to the library where she saw Jean sleeping. She made a 'Tch' sound then just walked out of school, heading to the market, because her fridge was most likely to be empty after yesterday's sleep over. It was extremely cold, the coldest day of the year. 

Jean kept walking. When he was done with the blunt he was high enough not to feel pain but not too high to do anything dumb. There was still half of it left so he just decided to save it for when he needed it next time. Jean was now done crying, the tears were still frozen on his cheeks but he didn't notice as he couldn't see them. The boy walked into the market and started to get stuff for dinner as he knew that there wasn't really anything in the fridge that he wanted. Jean made sure to stay away from anyone, as pretty much everyone in this town wasn't too fawned of him. He also didn't feel like having any problems at this point so he made sure to keep distance from everyone. As he walked around the isles, he thought about how much better it would be for him when he'll get to college. When he got everything he needed he went up to the cash register and payed for all of the stuff, then got his bags and walked out of the store, past a girl. Jean knew it was Mikasa but he didn't want to bother her even more today. 

As he walked home, he tried to think about things to distract himself with from the note that Mikasa had given him earlier. Jean walked into the house only to see his dad snorting some type of substance. Jean rolled his eyes at him and went into the kitchen to put all of the food away. Then he went upstairs to his room, only to see that it was a mess. Like if someone was looking for something. Just now he realized where Mr Kirstein got the money for the drugs from. Jean clenched his jaw and walked over to his desk. He opened it only to see that there was nothing in there. All of the money that he worked for was gone. Even the money that he had saved for college. He felt his eyes heat up once again. Not from being sad, from being completely pissed off. Jean slowly walked downstairs and over to his dad. He pushed him away from the counter and started punching him. His dad was so high that he was already wobbly, so he quickly fell to the ground where Jean kicked him in the side. Jean didn't say anything to him as he kicked and punched him. He was too pissed to even say anything. When the older man finally pasted out, Jean walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer bottle and then walked out of the house. He let tears stream down his face as he let out quiet sobs. He kept his head down, drinking the beer and walking as far away from the house as he could. Jean did walk across Mikasa's house but he didn't really notice as his head was down the whole time. He didn't pay attention to where he was going or what he was doing.

Mikasa was walking around in the market buying everything important. When she had two bags full, she went to the cash register and payed. She picked up the bags, one bag in the left hand and the other in the right hand and started to walk out from the market when someone who smelled smoke walked past her. He looked familiar... Jean?... What. The. Hell. Is. He. Doing. Why does he smell so much smoke? She thought for herself. She was very sure he noticed her. Letting out a sigh, she headed home. Jean was walking in front of her and she didn't want him to think that she was stalking him or something, so Mikasa decided to walk home on another road which was longer. Even though it was really cold, she didn't want to walk behind him. 

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