Chappie Three

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As they rummaged through, a loud gasp was let out. I whipped around to see them holding a shirt with the name and logo of my old high school.

"Is-is this really the school you went to?"

"Haha, yeah, that's old.. I went there from grade nine through ten.. why?"

"I went there as well."


I looked at them, feeling the need to check if they were being sarcastic, or just joking. However, I was met with a stern look, showing they were serious.

"Wait, really??" I began to rack through my memories. That was only a few years ago, so I can still recall some specifics. "Did you have biology with Mr. Glascow?"

"Yeah, I did! Didn't we sit next to one another?"
They scratched their chin with their hand.

"We did! I think it was before I moved, which was also before I had a phone, so we lost contact.." Our eyes met, and something clicked. "I can't believe it's been so long.."

"Right?? I remembered you when you said your name, but I didn't really think it could be you. It was just too crazy of a coincidence."

After a moment of standing there, we began to move to a hug. It felt as if they'd reeled me into their open arms. I wrapped my arms around their upper back, and their arms could only reach barely above my waist. As we embraced, I set my head on the top of their head. I was able to feel as their body temperature rose.

The hug ended after several minutes. We both hesitantly pulled away. Neither of us wanted it to end, but it would have had to happen sooner or later.

"My shirt is still stained." With perfect comical timing, we both looked down.

"Ah, yeah, sorry! I'll get out of here so you can get it on."

I left, and they closed the door behind me and locked it. I went to sit on the couch in the living room to wait for them to finish.


After he left, instead of being responsible and changing, I decided to snoop around a bit instead. I know that it's rude, but I won't do it much, so it's like it never happened at all. So it's fine.

The first place I went to look was his desk. Unexpectedly, I found several letters. I peeked at the name, and they were addressed to an old high school crush? That's kind of adoring, actually. That's so cute that he would keep her name hidden.

I realized I'm taking a good amount of time, so I actually got changed into the new shirt, nearly folding mine and setting it on the edge of his bed. As I was moving towards the door to get out, I slipped and hit my leg hard on the corner of a wall and let out a yell.

Soon enough, I heard footsteps echoing, nearing to the front of the door. He politely knocked on the door instead of just opening it. Since I couldn't make noise without screaming my head off, I simply dragged myself over to the door and opened it. He took notice of that, and immediately bent down to see me better.

"Are you alright?" I let out a groan in response. He frowned at my incapacity to speak, the sympathy practically radiating off of him. He sat down next to the leg I had smacked and patiently waited for me to do anything.

Eventually, I was able to at least sit up instead of laying on the floor. I pulled up my pant leg a bit to show the wound. The feeling of fabric rubbing against my freshly open wound hurt more than I had expected it too. I laid back down, gripped onto a nearby book for dear life, and held my eyes shut. The tears that had begun to group in my eyes slowly fell down the sides of my face awkwardly.

I heard as Miles slowly leaned forward, and I felt as he wiped the tears from my face, whispering sweet nothings. He gently lifted my head, and rotated me so my head was in his lap. I reached my hand up for comfort, and he must have known I needed it, since his hand met mine. I cried for a little longer before the pain was more bearable.

When I opened my eyes, my (e/c) ones met his soft blue ones, which looked at me with affinity. His cheeks were tainted red, as were mine.

He gently lifted my head off of his lap, and stood up. After dusting himself off, he crouched a little bit and extended his hand out to me, which I gladly took without a second thought.


At their request, we began to make our way over the the restroom to get the first aid kit. At first, they had been stubborn to get it, but after some persisting from me, they decided to do it. It also may or may not have been because I bribed them with cookies if they'd do it.

But that's not important. What matters here is that they're okay.

Once we reached the bathroom, I opened the door, and reached under the cabinet to get the kit. Y/n sat on the toilet seat, patiently waiting for me like I had done for them.

I took it out, and began to disinfect their wound. They winced and groaned, and it filled me with compassion to know how much they were hurting. Whether this hurt or not, it's important to clean a wound.

After it had been properly cleaned, I covered it in gauze to keep anything from entering.

"Thank you, Miles!" They looked at me with a slight smile, which even that much could light up the room.

"Yeah, no problem!" I smiled in return.

I suggested we watch a movie, to which they agreed to. I didn't want them to walk in case it would hurt. So, I picked them up, and they wrapped their arms around my neck, nervously chuckling as they looked down at the floor.

Once we sat down on the couch, they picked out an interesting movie, and we made popcorn and watched it.

The buzzing of my phone interrupted the movie, and I looked at the caller ID.

"This can't be good.."

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