Chapter 3: MP3 Player Mix Up

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(We cut to the five younger sisters sitting as the plane was soaring through the skies)

Flight Attendant: Attention, passengers. We'll be dropping into L.A. in five minutes.

Lola: (Groans) Great... I could've been been practicing my ribbon dancing by now. No, we're stuck going to what is likely a filthy city!

Lana: (Grins) Feels like home! Better than Colorado!

Lucy: Sigh. Seems it might be awhile before we can do cleaning with Aunt Shirley.

Lana: (Shudders) I think we dodged a bullet.

Lisa: (Rolls her eyes) Look, when we land, we'll try to get some assistance. We'll just take the next plane back to Royal Woods and hopefully get our planning back on track.

(Lily babbled in agreement as Lola sighed and sat back. Trying to cool her mind for now. We then cut to Lincoln, Lori, Lynn, Luna, Luan, and Leni trying to find their seats on the plane to L.A.)

Luna: (Excited) Sweet! I'm on row 27a, and it's an empty row!

Lincoln: Pretty cool! Say, try to listen to your MP3! Maybe one of your songs can help us find you a gig with someone, when we're done with this trip!

Luna: Sure, bro! Hmm... actually, I've been meaning to listen to my latest song me and Sam did...

(As Luna got her song playlist ready, she saw two couples walking down)

Grouchy Lady: Which one is our seat?! My bunion is sore, dang it!

Grouchy Man: (Irritated) Just shut up and let me read my card!

Luna: (Gulps in worry) N-No... P-Please don't let them s-sit here... P-Please don't let t-them s-sit here... P-Please don't l-let t-them s-sit here...

Grouch man: 27a!

Luna: (Looks up to the ceiling) Are you ever on my side!?

(The grouchy couple made it to the same row as Luna.)

Luna: (Awkwardly) H-hi.

(The grouchy women took a seat right next to Luna, while the grouchy man sat right on top of Luna!)

Luna: Oof!

Grouchy Women: Will you move your butt!

Grouchy Man: (Struggling to move over) I'm trying!

Grouchy Women: Well maybe if you stuck with those workout classes you wouldn't be like this!

Grouchy Man: It's not my fault they were charging extra! Plus you ain't really a model yourself!

Grouchy Women: (Offended) Oh, so you had to bring a women's weight into it?!

Luna: (In pain) K-kill.. m-me...

(Back with the younger sisters, they had made it to L.A. at last. Walking into the airport as they saw the city out the windows)

Lana: (Grinning) Man, this city looks so cool! Forget Colorado! This is our true vacation spot!

Lisa: I'll admit, it does look really neat. But we can't be here right now. Our parental units had requested we'd be at Shirley's place right now.

Lily: (babbling)

Lisa: No, I don't think we can get a cruise trip like they did, Lily.

Lola: (Groans) Mom and dad are probably living like the royalty right now!

(Out at the seas, Lynn Sr... was throwing up over the cruise ship. With many passengers looking disgusted as Rita covered her face)

Rita: (Annoyed) Next time, we're doing a road trip.

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