CHAPTER VIII: "When life gets harder, challenge yourself to be stronger"

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It was rather troubling for Caroline to know, that now, that Jenna was gone, she was all alone, without any support, or anyone to talk to, but despite the fact, that the loneliness kept trying to get into her head, Caroline's heart was bravely fighting against it – telling her, that there was indeed someone, who would love to be there for her, but unfortunately, due to all those problems, that recently came out onto the daylight, he couldn't now stand beside her. He couldn't take her into his arms, telling her, that everything was okay.. And, such thought was only making Caroline devastated, more and more, with each minute, that was passing. The thought, that partly, because of her, the person whom she cared about, wasn't there.. And, he wasn't going to be, as Zied had probably more important plans for him. More important, than having him be right here, next to Caroline.. And, though she was, and rather felt hopeless about the fact, that she could only offer her own freedom in exchange for Klaus's (as it was the only thing she had to offer), there was this little voice inside of her heart, telling her, that Klaus wouldn't want her to do that. Instead of sacrificing something valuable of hers, he'd rather have her stay strong, and not give up.. And, though even imagining letting Klaus stay in that deal for more minutes, than it was needed, was making Caroline's heart ache, she knew she had to figure out a better plan. A better offer for Zied to accept, in exchange for Klaus.. Or, maybe, if she was lucky enough, she could get something even more valuable, so that Zied could free all of those people, he's trapped in his little game, that no one was aware of, until it was far too late to stop playing. Because, her intentions weren't only, and purely about Klaus.. If she'd somehow gain a chance to free others, she'd willingly take it, without thinking twice about it. Because, whenever someone was getting hurt, Caroline couldn't help herself, but step in.. And, so, in order to try to find a way to free Klaus, as well as the others, Caroline decided, that the first thing she should actually do, and would be nice to know, was where Zied, and his army was usually staying at, how many people it counted, and maybe, if Caroline was lucky enough, she could see, if Klaus was okay, and what kind of things Zied was ordering him to do.. That way, she could at least try to guess how much time she had left. How much time, before she'd have to give up, which she hated to do.. When someone was telling her she couldn't do something, it was immediately becoming like an obligation to her to show, that she was capable of doing just that. And, thankfully, that was also the case this time.. She was going to save Klaus, she was going to free all of those poor souls, and whoever doubted her, was going to pay quite a price. So, when Jenna's boat disappeared from Caroline's view, she started walking away from the water, in the direction of Zied's club.. But, before she could make even five steps, suddenly she felt dizzy again, and within seconds, her vision turned to black. And, this time, she knew exactly what was going to happen – another flashback of what had happened, before she died.. And, she was far more, than prepared to see, what her mind had to show her:

- I know you, and Alaric have been trying to stop this from happening, since I was a little girl, but uh.. You were only holding me back – the mysterious, yet familiar voice echoed inside Caroline's head, and soon after, she was brought back to the reality.

This time, though the owner of the mysterious voice was still yet to be identified, Caroline could feel, like this sentence could have some clues on what had happened to her, before she even got the chance to get to the Other Side. There was a hearable mention of Alaric, and something, which both him, and Caroline has been trying to stop from a long time.. And, Caroline couldn't help herself, but feel like the answer was right there, on the tip of her tongue, but she still couldn't say on what that memory was trying to tell her. Only things, which she was sure of, was that the person, who owned the voice was a girl, and her, and Alaric knew her for quite some time.. And, though Caroline wanted to know more, that was all she could analyze from that short sentence. But, for some unknown to her reason, she felt it deep in her bones, like the answer she'd soon enough get, won't satisfy her, at all.. Both her, and Klaus, but she couldn't exactly tell why.. All she could count on, was the painless, and fastest solution, as she hated the lack of this important knowledge. When Caroline took a few deep breaths, blinked a couple of times to bring herself entirely back from that past memory, she decided to not waste any more time, and just start searching for Zied.. Because, where Zied was, Klaus was probably also. And, while she was walking, trying to come up with a sensible solution, slowly passing the rivers, forests, and whoever knows what, Caroline couldn't get over that chilly feeling, like someone was watching her.. But, despite it troubling her, she decided to pretend like she couldn't feel anyone's gaze on her, and hope to catch the mysterious watcher later, when he or she, would be off guard. When Caroline managed to reach the Town Square, she once again came back to the memory of when she firstly got here.. Because, another valuable piece of information, that could tell her what had happened to her, was that whatever happened, it happened right here, around the Town Square. But, even though she hoped it would tell her something, her mind decided, that it's already gave her too much clues for her own good, and it was enough for today.. But, even though it didn't want her to continue her investigation, she wasn't going to stand down, and give up on searching answers. She was a far too curious person to do so..:

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