CHAPTER XXXXIII: "Freedom is the power to choose our own chains"

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After the heartbreaking conversation, that Caroline, and Klaus shared, both of them mutually agreed, that they needed some space for themselves, in order to analyze everything, which had happened, and deal with things, that were still bugging them, after all this time. And, as for Caroline, when she's heard from Tania about what happened with Frederick, and that he finally woke up, the first thing to do, in order to achieve the inside peace, was exactly to talk to Frederick, and ask him how exactly it happened, that he was still in the Other Side, and not with his true love, Evangeline, at Peace, when Caroline was the one, who walked him to the shore, where the Ferryman awaited, and was sure, that he had crossed over with Adeline.. But, before Caroline opened the door to the hut, where Frederick currently was, she once again thought about Klaus, and the look on his face, when he told her, he already knew. The disappointment, mixed with anger, guilt, and hurt.. The look, that Caroline was sure of, would appear in her nightmares to haunt her. To remind her just how awful of a person she truly was, for hiding the truth.. For trying to do the 'good' thing, which only turned out to be the bad one in the end. Caroline truly cared for Klaus, but.. What she thought, and he said, had some truth in each of those.. Both sides had something equally right to say, and so Caroline wasn't sure, if in the middle of all this chaos, she just forgot to listen to her conscience, and be the person, that she's always been. If, in the middle of all this chaos, she simply hasn't got lost.. But, before she could judge that, and her heart, she decided to firstly resolve the case of Frederick, which she was very curious of. However, when Caroline opened the door to the hut, in order to welcome her old friend, she instead was met with a different version of Frederick, that she didn't quite recognize.. A sad man, sitting on the bed, with empty sight fixed at the wooden floor:

- Frederick.. ? It's me, Caroline. I heard you've woken up already, so I decided to pay you a visit.. How are you ? I mean, with everything, that happened.. – Caroline started, but did not manage to focus Frederick's attention on her.

- I did it again. Just like that.. Like all those years I've spent, trying to chase it away, were nothing. Like, all this effort I put into changing, didn't pay off.. – Frederick said quietly, still staring at the floor.

- I've heard about what you tried to do. And, even though you, and I, both, can have no idea why your past came to clarify it was still with you, so fast, and right there, in that moment, it's really not that important.. What is however, is what I know for sure.. Which is, you're still a good person, Frederick. You've always been one.. – Caroline sat down, at one of the chairs in the room.

- A good person, huh.. So a good person hurts their loved ones ? A good person hurts innocent people, is that it.. ? – Frederick finally looked at Caroline with pain in his eyes.

- Listen.. I may not be the worst person known to people, and I sure as heck am not the best person, but.. I try. Every day, over, and over again, I try to prove, that I am a good person.. But, not for me. For the people around me, who care for me.. I try to be good for them. Try to prove, that people like me, who at the beginning of my journey as a vampire, was a complete disaster, and basically hurt anyone, who came my way, no matter, if they were innocent, or not, can change, and be the best versions of themselves.. I am also haunted by my past, Frederick. It's not like I don't think about those times, when I was a real pain for people around me.. It's not like I've forgotten about it. But, I am not going to let those past mistakes, and doings, even if the worst, bring me down, and make my life miserable.. Because, I am not that person anymore. I've changed, and I still want to change into someone better.. But, what you have to understand, that.. In order to become a good person, you don't forget about your past. You learn from it.. You take notes from it, and make it your motivation. So, what if you've fallen down.. ? It's important, that you get back up on your feet, and try. Over, and over again, even if you feel like giving up.. Because, it's worth it – Caroline explained to Frederick, and sat now next to him.

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