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The light in that house flickered.

Excessively flickered.

It did not matter if it was night or day; in the long days of summer, or shortened, cold nights of the winter. I could see it, and even when the view from my bedroom was obscured by the moving limbs of the trees, I knew it was there.

What went on in the house, I wondered, to make the lights flicker so? Were the occupants unawares as they went about their day, or did they simply not care? Were they so self-righteous, so self-privileged, self-entitled, that they could do as they pleased?

How rude, how uncaring they must be, to go on about their day? Not a worry for their neighbors, certainly not a care for me!

Days turn into weeks, and weeks into years. And the flicker never seemed to cease.

Sometimes, I did ponder how they were able to afford the bill. But mostly, I thought of how it irked me as I left to lay awake night after night, the flicker of the light to dance in and out of my room; hypnotizing and maddening. So much so, that I thought I should put an end to it myself... The next day, I would always exclaim to myself, while the nights continued to pass me in a haze.

It was only when I awoke one day, that I saw a for sale sign in the yard.

In the house that flickered.

But now, what plagues me is an odorous smell protruding from my cellar.

Echoes of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now