Riker Jones - 17 years old. Best friend is Jenna. Sister is Ashley. Boyfriend is Kevin. LL - Bailee Madison
Ashley Jones - sister of Riker. 18 years old. LL - Janel Parrish
Kevin smith - 17 years old. Boyfriend of Riker. LL - Scott Mechlowicz
Jenna Kingsley - 17 years old. Best friend is Riker. LL - Kaylee Bryant
Skylar Jones - cousin of Riker and Ashley. LL - Sofia Carson
Jake Henderson - Brother is Seth. LL - Tom Hardy
Seth Henderson - Brother is Jake. Girlfriend is Ashely. LL - Cody Simpson
Hybrid Characters
Boomer Walker - brother is Zep. He is Shadow Slayer.
Nickname : Boom LL - Ansel Elgort
Zeppelin Walker - Brother is Boomer. He is a shadow slayer.
Nickname : Zep LL - Taron Egerton
Fofo - Hacker. Brother of Boomer and Zeppelin. Owner of Midnight blue. He is a ZH (Zombie hybrid)
LL - James Nitti
Deku - He is AS (Alien Slayer) He is the owner of Hotel Evergreen. LL - Shawn Mendes
Kenzo - brother of Deku . He is AS ( alien Slayer) LL - Andrew Walker