zero is a werewolf and gets discovered

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Zero P.O.V.

When I got my things ready for my transformation since it was a full moon. I got on my heavy backpack on and was about to leave threw the window I began to transformed into my wolf form. When I was half in my transformation form, I need to pee.

Linka P.O.VWhen I was out of the shower , I was just about to ask Blaze where is the hair dry when the door burst open and gasped. There stood Zero in wolf ears and a tail.

Third P.O.V.Linka gasped because Zero burst open the bathroom door in his half werewolf form. ( aka werewolf ears and a werewolf tail.) Zero froze for a bit then turned around and said " sorry... Just tell me when your done."After Zero shut the door he realize that was he was in his wolf form. He face palm himself.

Zero P.O.V.

When I got my things ready for my transformation since it was a full moon. I got on my heavy backpack on and was about to leave threw the window when I began to transformed into my wolf form. When I was half in my transformation form, I need to pee. After I burst the door I was shocked to see Linka in a towel. I turned around and my human side took over.

I said " sorry... Just tell me when your done."

After I shut the door I realize that was I was in my half wolf form. I face palm himself.

" shite( take out the letter e ) . I'm screwed he thought.

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