Chapter 2

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Error wakes up in a fright. And finds himself in a dark bedroom, confused as he is he gets up and hears a voice outside, and goes to the door. He opens the door and see's Ink with a sketch book with the cover "EXI"
Ink - *Hums while drawing* "?" "!" "Error! You're awake! How was you're sleep senpai<3"
Error - "Wh@t th3 fûck dìd yøu jû$t c@ll m3?!"
Ink - "I called you Senpai! Something wrong?"
Error takes a step back.
Error - "... Wh@t th3 h3ll?!"
Ink - "? Whats wrong?"
Error - "Ink wh@t h@pp3n3d... Why @r3 yøû døìñg thì-"
He stops. Realising that one of Ink's Vials were missing. The missing vial was the Love vial.
Error - "Ink... Wh3r3 ì$ yøu'r3 vial..."
Ink - "Oh! It's in my room! It's empty right now."
Error gets confused of why it's empty.

Ink gets up and walks toward Error. Error takes a step back every time Ink goes forward until Error is backed into a corner.
Ink - "You can't run now my love~❤" "There's no escape! Your mine~"
Error - "G-G3t @w@y $t-$t3p b@ck!"
Ink grabs Error and kisses him.
Ink - "I don't think I will~ You understand no one knows you're missing. And even if they did, they wouldn't be able to find you! And they would never think I kidnapped you~ Because I'm innocent in everyone else's eyes!"
A splat of ink appeared on Error's mouth and body making it so he can't yell or move.

Ink took Error back to the room left and locked the door, the ink splats that were on Error dissapeared so he could move again. Error tried to think of a way to get out.

-End of Chapter 2

Ink's Doll~❤ (Error x Yandere Ink)Where stories live. Discover now