Error finished his rest are some food and went on to the next challenge, Ink was sitting waiting for Error to go through the door I guess-
Ink - "Hello Error! Did you rest well?"
Error - "$hût ìt."
Ink - "Awh, you can't deny that you love me Ruru~"
Error - "Y3$ I ¢@n b3c@û$3 ìt'$ nøt trû3"
Ink - "That's not what this said~" *He pulls out a small black book with the words DON'T TOUCH. In bold letters on it"
Error - "WHY DØ YØÛ H@V3 MY DI@RY?!?!"
Ink - "Error, I've stalked you for long enough to know if you like someone you would write it down here, so of course I'm gonna steal it when I kidnap you~"Error ran to try and grab the book but Ink dodged Error's attack.
Ink - "Ruru~ The challenge isn't keep away! You don't have to try and get the book from me!"
(Spirit was in the corner eating popcorn chicken btw)
Ink - "Ruru~ Can we start the challenge now darling?"
Error - "Fìn3."
Ink - "The next game is simple! Everyone will get a light thing that straps your waist, you have to hit your enemies in the stomach to make their light go red. Don't let them get you though! Good luck! Oh and say hi to the others for me!"
Error - *Puts on the light thing* "Øth3r$?"
The game starts and Dust appears with his soul out with paint on it. He was under control and attacked Error.
Error was able to Dodge every attack so far and need up hitting Dusts light. He left and then Nightmare and Horror attacked Error at the same time. Error, Nightmare and Horror fought for an hour and Error finally hit their lights.
Spirit - "Good job!"
Error - "Fû¢k øff."
Spirit - "no."
Error went through the next door.-End of Chapter 7 and almost the end of the series.
I don't know how I'm gonna end this off but I am some how.

Ink's Doll~❤ (Error x Yandere Ink)
Romance(My First Story So please don't hate- and some of the chapters are short I'm sorry-)