★ ⁺ from pace with love.

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can we get a round of applause up in here? not for me, but for the fic and all of you for making it here. it's been over a year of updates, 56 chapters and something like 100k words.

absolutely crazy.

of course, i must pay my respects to the esteemed araki and david productions for making this fever dream of a series. they not only brought me back into anime and manga, but also into creative writing. it was dry until they found me, not gonna lie.

thank you to the insanely talented fanfic writers on ao3 and wattpad who inspired me to write this fic. your imaginations are wild, and if anything, you made me fall more in love with the series. thank you as well to the wonderful fan artists. your modern au art of the gang gave me life and sustetenance.

thank you to all the luxury clothing brands out there. gucci, dior, louis vuitton. it's highly unlikely i'll ever own some of your pieces, but a good portion of the outfits in this book are straight from your runways, so thank you. if you're interested in checking out where i got my inspiration, poke around on the vogue site :DD

honestly? it's been such a long time that i'm hard-pressed to remember the initial inspiration for this fic. i was actually working on a few other fics before I started this one. none of them wanted to fly, though, so now they're sitting dustily in my drafts.

i think the start of pseumino was this other vento aureo fic i wrote. it was pretty cool, but way out of reach for my inexperienced ass. i might go back to it one day, but i was like, can I write something easier and less complciated than this? i think I might have been reading some college thing, who knows, but the idea stuck, and here we are.

for original concepts, i fumbled around with making y/n's stand ability the ability to flatten things (like zucchero, i guess). i got pretty far with it before i found the inspiration for white satin. (who was orginally going to be named paradise city for it's floaty, glimmery apperance).

some of you might remember when this fic was called "elaborate" and was a female reader insert. that was inspired by some song lyrics i found with the lyrics "elaborate lies". i thought it fit the vibe really well (at the time, anyway).

narancia, fugo, risotto and abbacchio were meant to be an opposing group to the sapiena elites. i remember planning some kind of power struggle and trying to get them to overthrow the elites somehow. eventually, it just became easier to lump them all together.

i don't think risotto was supposed to be in this fic, but he snuck in somehow.

i'm gonna be real. this fic isn't quite 100% in my mind. it sort of feels like I took 3 different fics and tried to mash them together. (like, the sapiena elites, narancia and fugo, and then abbacchio and risotto feel separate and don't quite mesh). the original concept i had changed drastically, and i still feel that y/n's motivations to become noticed are petty and childish. i tried to expand on them, but it still feels clumsy.

ironically, the sapiena elites were the hardest ones to write for. it was easy to come up with scenarios for everyone else, but the detatched glamour that i attatched to mista, bruno, trish and giorno made it hard to get into their heads and find interesting scenarios to put them in. if i could go back, i would've scrapped the elite idea completely and just made them regular students.

going back to edit the entire fic was pretty grueling as well. i surprised myself with just how much my writing style and abilities changed within a year. if i could rewrite this fic, i would've changed the entire beginning. elaborating more on that supposed bizarre activity that was happening, fleshing out the relationships with everyone, really clamping down on the reader's flighty personality because i had no idea what i wanted it to read like (and it shows, i think).

this fic was rocky, and i appreciate your patience with it. it helped me to ground my writing style, and plunged me into the world of competent writing, characters and plot. i still have a way to go, but i'm glad i started here.

hmmm, what else. oh! please let me know if you guys were wondering anything about the fic or had some thoughts to share! (your favourite moment maybe? something you didn't really like? something you expected/w ould've liked to see?) or feel free to share any questions for me about vento aureo or jjba in general. i don't get to talk jojo enough so i'm always up for it.

(personal favs of this fic for me happen to be: narancia and fugo, absolutely adore those two. abbacchio's got some of my best, prettiest writing. writing for bruno was probably the hardest. and my favourite chapter is one of those last ones where giorno left for milan. i think i'm a whump writer in disguise.)

thank you all of you for reading. whether you made it to the end or just popped by, i sincerely appreciate that you gave me a bit of your time. like there are people who are here from when I first posted this fic. y'all are troopers, for real. cookies for all of you :D your comments were the highlights of my day, and every update put me on cloud nine. thank you thank you thank you. you're all absolutely wonderful. i liked to write before, but it's a huge ego boost to know there are people who might like to read my stuff <3

as for what's next for me? hopefully, i'll see you again on some of my other fics (cough cough wink wink). keep an eye on my message board. i'll be using it a lot more regularly to give you story and chapter previews.

but even if this is the only time we ever see each other, grazie again for reading. here's to more and more jjba.

— from pace with love.

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