Chapter One.

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"Cailin wake up! You have to get ready for your last day of school." I hear my mom yell as I lazily drag myself out of my bed.

It's my last day before I move to LA, my mom is making my brother and I go to school, the only positive side is that I don't have to work today, I'm just going to say goodbye to all of my friends. I'm not exactly happy about moving but it's for my mom, at least I have Cam.

I walk to my bathroom to shower. I hop out and walk to my cupboard to find an outfit for today. I eventually decide on light blue denim shorts and a grey woolen sweater paired with my white Converse high-tops. I brush out my long, dark brunette hair and put my parting to the left side. I walk over to my miniature mirror and start my usual make up which is foundation, lipgloss and mascara. Today I decided on waterproof mascara considering my eyes will be pouring with tears later today. I still need to look decent even though I'm crying. Am I right?

I add my final touches which is perfume and my four earrings - 2 in each ear because my mom won't let me get more. I run over to my mirror and make sure everything looks good before going downstairs. I grad an apple before heading over to the car. I'm the last one to get in, because it takes time to look this good. I finish my apple and shove a piece of gum in my mouth that I took out from my nude-colored purse that contains gum - obviously, my black iPhone 5s, lipgloss and other lady things.

Cam and I wave our mother goodbye before heading into school grounds. "Meet me back here by 1:30 Cay, we're leaving early today, because we have to finish packing before our flight tomorrow, okay?" Cam smiles at me before we walk into the school. "Okay Cam, I will." I return the smile.

The day passes pretty quickly and I'm already back in my mothers car with red puffy eyes, but at least my make up is still on point. "The worst part is over with guys." My mom says with a smile trying to lighten up the mood. I get home, plug my phone into charge and connect it to my beats pill and start playing my music. Some music from the KYGO comes on and it cheers me up a little bit. Eventually I'm done packing except for the little toiletries etc that I can only pack tomorrow morning before we leave.

My mom calls me for dinner and I rush down the stairs, passing Cameron who was nearly knocked over by me, because when am I not excited for food? My mom, Cam and I all sit at the table and eat dinner which is a curry dish. We all tell each other about our day and Cam announced that he has something important to tell us.

"There's another Magcon event in LA and its quite soon, and I'm allowed to bring Cailin!" He practically squeals in his chair. "What? That's the best thing I've heard all week!" I announce now with a huge smile on my face. "I know, I'm so excited, and you can finally meet all the boys!" He says calming down a bit. "Yeah now I'm excited for LA!" I say. "I thought that this might cheer you up." Cameron smirks at me.

*skipping to the next morning*

I'm all packed and ready to go. Cameron joins me in my room as we listen to some music played off my beats pill while we wait for our mom. "She always takes forever but rushes us." I sigh jokingly. "I know, but she doesn't usually take longer than you. Let's admit it Cay, you're something else when it comes to being punctual." He laughs as I join in for a little bit and then punch his arm lightly.

"Okay kids I'm ready, let's go, we don't want to miss our flight!" We make it to the airport on time and sort out the normal airport situation with handing them out tickets etc. We get on the plane and wait for it to take off. I'm seated by the window with Cam next to me and my mom in the aisle seat. The air-hostesses offer us food and drinks which we accept. We finish and I plug my headphones into my phone which starts playing some Shawn Mendes songs and I slowly close my eyes.

Cam shakes me to wake me up to announce that we've arrived. I have no idea why but a smile tugs on both of our lips. We collect our luggage and hail a cab. We arrive at our new home, or should I say mansion! Okay no, but it is a lot bigger than our old place. It's so modern and beautiful. My jaw drops as soon as I step out of the cab. Cam had the same reaction. My mom tells us to go pick our rooms. Cam and I race into the house and up the stairs. I saw him trip and waste no time finding my room. I picked a room in the middle of the hallway and my mom obviously gets the master bedroom at the end of the hall and Cam's is closest to the staircase. We have a guest room downstairs. My favourite part of the house has to be the kitchen though. It has an island in the middle surrounded with bar stools and 2 fridges which are full stocked. I think I should just move my bed down here. "Goodnight guys I'm going to bed, all the traveling has taken it out of me." My mom announces. Cam and I decide to explore a little more. We have a huge garden with a huge pool with a beautiful rock feature. The jacuzzi takes the prize though, I can see where most of my time is going to be spent besides the kitchen. Down the hall from the guest room we have a gym. I'm never leaving this place. Cam ran over to what looks like a tennis court and it looks like I'm right as I get closer to it. It has hoops for netball and basketball set up and a tennis net. I am seriously never leaving this place. Since it's still noon here, Cam and I decide on watching a movie, after some arguing we agree on watching "The Purge". I make my way to the kitchen and make some popcorn which is my favourite - salt and vinegar, while Cameron pours some drinks. When everything's set we get comfortable under a blanket on the couch in the living room. My eyes feel droopy and they start to close. I can feel sleep take over my body.



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