Chapter Two. First day of school.

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It's been a couple of days since we moved but it's still taking some getting used to with the time difference and today is Monday and I'm starting school today. Help.

It's not that I wasn't popular at my previous school, I was, but who wants to get up early and go to hell where you constantly get judged? Nobody? Agreed.

I hope that today goes okay. I have that feeling in my stomach again, time to take a pill. Yes, I have a severe case of anxiety and I need to take pills for it. I hate it so much, I get severe migraines and sometimes I black out. I get sympathy but that's the last thing I want to get.

Shit, I've been overthinking for 20 minutes, I have to get ready for school and I don't want to look like I crawled out of a hole. I jumped out of bed and into the shower. I washed my hair and straightened it which was a mission because it's naturally curly, a nice curly but I wanted to dress to impress today but not overdo it. Once I was done with my hair which I decided to leave in a middle parting and volumize it, I decided to do my face routine which was washing my face, brushing my teeth, taking my tablet for my skin, sometimes my pill for anxiety, and then moisturizing my face.

Now for my makeup which consisted of foundation for my tan skin, mascara, a think layer of black eyeliner and some nude lipgloss. Moving onto choosing my outfit, I slipped on some tight fitting black ripped jeans which made my ass look really good, a white sort of see-through deep v-neck sleeved shirt which was above my ass in length, and my Classic Timberlands paired with it. I put in my 4 earrings, 2 rings - 1 normal silver band on my index finger on my left hand and a normal silver banded ring with a diamond cut out shape on the other hand on my middle finger. Because bitches must know. I also added my rose gold thick watch on my left hand and a hair tie next to it for final touches. I wear my jewelry like this pretty much everyday. For my final, final touches, I spray some deodorant which is a really nice smelling one which is hardly sweet, and add some sweeter smelling perfume called Buvgari.

I looked at the time on my phone and realized I had 20 minutes to spare. I'm going to make myself some breakfast. I ran downstairs to see that I'm the only one down there. Yep I'm lonely, but I kinda like it sometimes. I made myself some muesli and yoghurt with some berries with a glass of water, yeah I'm not a juice person. I heard footsteps and looked towards the staircase to see Cam coming down to greet me and looked ready to leave.

"Morning Cay."

"Morning Cam, where are you going?" I questioned him because he would usually be sleeping since he is 19 and out of school.

"Getting ready to go out with some of the guys, we're meeting at Starbucks and then I'm going to a meeting for MAGCON."

"Stop making me jealous!" I exaggerated.

"Yeah Starbucks is great but the meetings are always useless and a waste of time." Cam rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but a meeting is still better than 6 hours of hell." I argued.

Cam just rolled his eyes and nodded.

"BYE MOM!" I yelled to my mom so that she could hear me from upstairs.


"Hell..." I whispered so that just Cam and I could hear and Cam giggled.

"Okay see you lat-" I tried to say before Cam interrupted me.

"Do you want me to drive you to school today, Cay?" He questioned me.

"No thanks Cam, I was planning on stopping at Starbucks on the way home, since I can't get any now." I giggled.

"Okay, have a nice day baby girl." Cam smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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