Ch.1 On A Halloween Night

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Life can be unexpected. Death can be even more so, as I learned. But while I believed in reincarnation, my own was definitely not what I imagined. It's the night of Halloween. I'm currently dressed up in a deer onesie, antlers, and had a necklace with a circle xed-out around neck. I'm drawing pictures, while my parents flirted with eachother. One was a man with wild black hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. The other was a woman with long straight crimson red hair, pale skinned, and emerald eyes. Nothing to crazy yet, right? Well it just so happens that my parents are none other than James and Lily Potter. Yup, the Harry Potter characters. Which meant I was reborn as Harry Potter. Now many people would be super excited, but I have more common sense than that.

Harry's parents get killed Halloween night, he gets hit by the killing curse and turned into a horcrux, his Godfather Sirius gets thrown into Askaban, and then he gets left at the mercy of his abusive relatives for about ten years. After that he's manipulated into becoming a martyr by Dumbledore. Every school year having life and death senarios and being dumped back with his relatives during the summer. Until eventually, he sacrifices himself to kill Voldemort, some how surviving being hit by the killing curse for the second time. That's not including all the bullying, slandering, and betrayal he suffers. So I was not happy about the situation.

Still, there do seem to be a few differences to many of my alternatives. The timeline for events seems to be taking place later than cannon. Instead of being born in 1980, I was born the year 2000. A whole twenty years later. Another being, I was born a hermaphrodite. I was quite pleased to find that out. I had identified as bi-gender in my last life and was born female, so I never really felt complete. The second thing is I look alot more like my mother, with her red hair, emerald eyes, nose, lips, and pale complexion. I only ended up with wild hair like my father. When I say pale, I mean her skin is like porcelain. Still, she is beautiful. My name is also different. Since I wasn't a boy, they decided to go with a gender neutral name following my mother's family tradition of flower names and combined that with the black families tradition of greek or constellation names. The next thing is Sirius did some sort of ritual with my parents before I was born to make me his heir by blood. That basically made him a third parent to me. I ended up with some features from his side of the family. Basically, diamond face shape with their high cheekbones. Magic is weird like that. Right, that's another thing. Sirius took up the Black family lordship secretly. So I'm the heir to both the Potter and Black family fortunes. Yay, an even bigger target on my back. Note the sarcasm.

Though if their was one thing I definitely wasn't expecting, it was who my grandfather is. Now you need to understand, Lily Potter in this world wasn't actually a muggleborn. In fact, she was technically a half blood from a long line of pure blood wizards. Her mother was targeted when she was a baby by some wizards. She was force to leave Lily at an orphanage before leading those who persude her away and being killed. Lily was soon adopted by a nice non-magical couple and raised away from magic society. My grandfather thought she had died with her mother until he found her by chance. Since she was safe and cared for, he left her in the care of her new parents and watched from afar until she confronted him. He told me that he found it funny for an eight year old to march straight up to him and invite them inside for tea and biscuits. Now I'm sure that you all are wondering just who this mysterious grandfather is. You'll just have to wait and see. For now, let's get back to the story.

I finish my drawing and get up to show my parents. "Ma! Pa! Dawing!" I yell enthusiastically, as I run over swinging the paper up and down. I may have forgotten to mention that despite my previous life, I was emotionally only a little more mature then my physical age of one year and three months. I was intelligent, but my age made me immature and have trouble controlling my motor skills. So, I have trouble talking. Curse young child development speeds.

I make it to my parents without tripping. I count that as a win. "Let me see my little star flower." Lily says, reaching for my drawing. I hand it to her.

"Is gampa and poxies. Pitty?" I ask. James looked over Lily's shoulder at the picture nervously.

"It's very pretty. Who are the other people with him?" She

"Is Masy, Hooy, an Toby. They gampa poxies layer." I tell her. She smiles at me, and ruffes my hair.

I never really tried to hide my knowledge from my past life. I was part of a community of wizards and magical being, so reincarnation wouldn't be that crazy. But, my parents had been worried about how I knew things I shouldn't. That lead to them taking me to Gringotts for testing, since they couldn't trust that I wouldn't be attacked by dark wizard at St. Mungo's with Voldemort targeting me thanks to the prophecy. Turns out I have a few abilities including being a partial-metamorphmagus and a seer. The partial-metamorphmagus means I can change my hair and eye color, as well as hair type and length. It's pretty cool. The whole being a seer thing confuses me though. Sure I have knowledge of thing about Harry Potter and other fandoms I was into, but I haven't had any visions or anything that I know of. Despite the thoroughness of the tests, it didn't pull up the fact that I was a reincarnation.

"Are we sure he hasn't been visiting them without us realizing?" James asks Lily.

"Well, we did give him the secret to the Fidelius charm, but he said he would only come if it was necessary." Lily answers. I try not to giggle.

Grandpa had been visiting me since I was born without them knowing. He would tell me stories and talk to me about magic. He knew I was reincarnated, so it was nice to be able to talk about stuff from my last life with him. He said I was like him and Lily. The visits were our little secret though. "You and I both know what he considers necessary is different than what we would." James tells her. Lily sighs.

"Still, we shouldn't automatically assume he has been sneaking around. She's a seer. She could have seen him in a vision. She even said that he will meet the others in the picture later. " Lily says.

"You have a point. I just don't like the idea of him going around the house without us knowing after what he did to the boys and I when we started dating." James says. Lily sighs again.

"He was only trying to make sure you wouldn't leave after finding out about my heritage." Lily says. James gives her a look of doubt.

"Peter nearly had to be admitted to St. Mungo's, Sirius wouldn't leave his room for a week thanks to night terrors and your father's constant stalking, and I had to go through his game and almost died. Remus was the only one who got out of it scots free. Peter still doesn't know what happened." James countered.

"I told you that was because Remus already knew. We had been friends even before I stopped hating you. Him, Alice, and Severus we're the only ones I told about it. We agreed you could tell Sirius, but neither me nor my father trust Peter or any of the Order to know." Lily states. She picks me up into her arms and walks to the couch to sit down.

"We could have at least told Dumbledore." James tells her.

"Dumbledore is a manipulative old goat. I wouldn't trust him farther than I could throw him with my bare hands. I only agreed to join the Order to help fight back against Voldemort and his death eaters, since the ministry isn't doing anything. He would consider my father dark for his occupation despite actually being grey. He only cares about light wizards and his greater good," Lily argued. I nod my head in agreement.

"You always were smarter than me, so if you say so I'll just have to trust you on this. I'm going to go get the snacks, so we can watch a movie." James says.

"Alright, what movie do you want to watch Aster?" Lily asked me. I look at the options.

I point at a movie. Sadly, alot of the Halloween movies I like don't exist yet. But, I can definitely count on a classic. "Jacky Skelly!" I exclaim. Lily giggles.

"Of course. The perfect movie for Halloween." Lily says. Just as she's about to get up so we can put in the VHS tape, we heard a large crack.

Lily's face morphs into horror as she feels the protection wards breaking. I begin crying. "Lily, take Aster and go! It's him! I'll hold him off!" James cries out.

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