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* back in my splatoon phase💀💀 *
Female reader
Sitting with spyke in the alley was your normal routine by this point, you weren't into turf wars or becoming sort of hero so instead you hang out with the only other citizen of inkopolis who wasn't to busy for company. The only thing you had to sacrifice was your reputation, many inklings thought spyke was shady and by association, you as well. "Love, can you go get us a bite to eat, I'll give you the money." You nod your head and start to stand up. "Goodness love when's the last time you've gotten a pair of new shoes?" Spyke asks you with some concern shining through his exposed eye. "Ah, maybe half a year ago? It just doesn't really crosses my mind I suppose." Spyke looks with you with disapproval but just nods. 

Spyke's pov:
That girl I thought. We have been friends for how long, and she's never thought to ask me for some new gear? The man who works with selling off the market gear? I groan as she left to go get the food I requested, she'll be gone for probably an hour and that's enough time for me. Usually I take my time letting other inklings know when their order has come in, but for ( y/n)  I'll make it quick, I'd do anything to make her happy.

Your pov:
My god there's a lot of people in this joint, Spyke is gonna be waiting along time for these subs. I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear two inklings having a conversation in front of me. "Whoa where did you get that jacket?!" The inkling said to her friend. "Umm I got it from spyke, he made me pay a hefty 30,000 for it though. That bastard jacks up all his prices." They look at me as I realized I was staring and I look away sheepishly.

Third person:
"Finally!" Spyke says clapping his hands, "I'm starving"  you take a seat next to him and start to eat when he suddenly pulls out a box, "what's this" you question and he smiles at you. You open the box and gasp when you see a brand new pair of sandals. "These are so cool!" You exclaim, "which inkling are they for?" Spyke laughs "they're for you obviously" You are shocked and worried as you don't have any money to pay for these shoes and Spyke knows it. "Thank you Spyke but how am I possibly going to repay you?" Once again spyke just smiles and states "I can't let my favorite inkling have such worn shoes, it's on the house and feel free to ask for anything else I'll never charge ya." You feel heat rush to your cheeks, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you. You hug the urchin "Thank you so much for all of this Spyke you're the best"

[I swear I can write better than this but honestly this was a rough idea to begin with. 😅 I'm still working on more chapters and request lmao i just got busy smh😭]

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