The Hardest Part

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Age 18

Ehhhhh Emmanuel i heard your dad shouting at you this morning will you tell me what's the matter huh did you guys have another fight oorhhhhhh

Hmmm yhhh we had another fight Joe you know my dad is a difficult person no matter what, we will always fight and I'm getting tire about it seriously like why is he always on my case eishhhhh it makes me Soo madddd! He shouted.

Hey calm down my friend it will get better with time,things won't  always be like this you know let's hope for a better future Joe said patting my back

Putting my head down i whisper i hope so

Will you stop feeling sad cause bruhhh I don't want to be sad also let's just head to stream and relax a little you never know you might get to meet Uduak yourrrr wringling his eye brow

My what huhhh and will you stop doing that thing is cringey you know i have nothing to do with Uduak she is just another girl in this godforsaken land that likes me and want to lay with me and you know me my friend that not what I'm all about I have plans for the future unlike some people that wants to lay with any moving being with a skirt

Wait wait Emmanuel who are you referring to I hope is not me Joe said smacking me on my head

Ouch! I rub my head what was that for huh I wasn't even referring to you are you some people orrhhh you feeling guilty tell me I smack him back running away laughing out loud

Hey you! fish brain come back here let me show you how dangerous I can be I will so much beat you shouted Joe running after me in full speed

Still running i ignore him and kept on running until I heard his  footsteps coming toward me i increase my speed

I got tire of running I stopped to catch my  breath ahhh stop Joe ahhh I'm tire ahh of ahhh running pleaseee let's behave like grown boys he came toward me and took my head under is arms

Ohhh jezzz stop it can't you see I'm out of breath don't you stop playing at times huh struggling to free my head from under is arms until I was release by him Thank God I mutter

Why are you complaining on how i play like you don't like it huh if I don't play with you and play with others you will soon complain huh like a girl what do you really want huh poking my cheeks

Pushing is finger away smiling, Huh me pointing to my chest a girl I can never be bruhhh I'm more manly than your daddd chuckling

What did you just say about my dad huh stop joking Emmanuel that's my dad your talking about anyway let's stop playing and head to the stream so that I can take you back to your mom, Mummy's boy Joe said laughing

Your just jealous cause my mom cares about me more than yours sticking out my tongue ntorrrrrrrrr  that's what you get for calling me mommy's boy 

Okay okay I get it my mom left when i was small that's not my fault you know i will be happy if i meet her now, but i know that's not possible so i try not to think about it much,at least my dad is there to shower with soooo much attention and i love it said Joe

I patted is back I'm sorry i even brought it up didn't mean to hurt you or anything you know i was just joking right

I know Emmanuel stop panicking okay you can never say something purposely to hurt me i know you my friend

We were still bantering not knowing that we were already close to the stream though till we heard people calling on us i turn to my best friend

Joeee look!pointing at our friends let go join them, they are shouting our names turning to him, last man to reach is an elephant which i know it will be you

Immediately we started undressing to our boxers and ran to the stream jumping inside splashing water on people in the stream and the started shouting on us and we raise our middle finger FUCK YOU ALL me and Joe shouted

God they can be so immature someone muttered I wonder how their parents cope with them, seriously who jump inside the stream when knowing that so many people are in it

FYI: me😂😂😂😂

We payed them no mind cause we came to relax not mind what people say cause people will always have what to say anytime, any day you just have to give deaf ears to their words

Ignoring whispers by people about us i turn to the direction where my friends were, heyyyy i shouted  beckoning them to come closer so that we can play in the water

When we came together we started splashing water on each other enjoying and laughing i think this is what life is all about peace of mind until one of my friend decided to open his hole of a mouth asking me stupid questions

Hmmm Emmanuel why can't you just stop fighting with you dad every morning be civilized for once cause we are all getting tire of the constant fight between you and your dad

Folding my fist Soo tight i was so annoyed but I controlled myself i have morals and we are public no need to disgrace ourselves before i could reply Joe did that already

Ehhhhh who are you to say that to him huh is it your fight huh can't you mind your business ehhhhh Joe stood up for me making me smile and feeling proud to have a friend like him

Noo Joe let him say whatever he wants to say i don't really care he is not my problem tho let him behave like a b*tch for all i care mtchewwwww I sighed swamp away not knowing  my best friend following me

I felt a hand on my shoulder turning with my fist almost ready to punch that person but unfortunately it was my best friend

Bruhhh calm down it's me Joe he said immediately i know what he said it's not right but don't get mad okay we came here to relax and that's what we are going to do nobody will stop us from doing that okay common let's go meet some girls wringling is eyebrow

Bruhhh stop that i hate it when you do that okay but i will follow you just this once cause I'm not in a good mood and i don't think
I don't think i want to swim close to those losers I call friends

Ohhh shut up stop behaving like a saint when i mention girls like you haven't done the deed yet with any girl,pretender! said Joe

Actually i haven't done it yet but i couldn't say that out loud for everyone to hear cause i know my best friend he will laugh at me and i don't want that so i lied

Of course have slept with so many girls you know I'm a big boy 

That's more like it let's get going okay I need some lay this week maybe you can get some also can

I followed him even though i don't enjoy all that,i prefer being on my own not spend it with girls doing nothing but flirting cause i don't even like most of them

Bruhhh swim fast okay stop thinking about stupid things i saw him swimming to where they girls were flirting with them and the girls giggling anyhow

Goddd i hope we finish here and get back home cause i'm sooo tire of today seriously and i swam close to them turning back immediately i saw.........






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