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TW: NSFW, mention of BDSM and kink

1. Takara is extremely possessive but tries to not let Amagi see that side of him.

2. Amagi has very sensitive feelings and often becomes upset quickly over little things. He cries quite a bit, even about TV commercials.

3. When they graduated and entered the workforce their lives became more hectic and they had less time to see each other. This took a big tole on Takara who really needs to see and be near Amagi quite often.

4. Takara definitely enjoys carrying Amagi around on a piggy back ride. When Amagi is on his back, he can not only hear his laughs but feel them.

5. Takara has an over-stimulation k-nk. He finds Amagi really cute when he's shaking and whimpering.

6. Amagi decided one day that they should watch a horror movie as an excuse to cuddle. It did not go the way Amagi suspected, Takara ended up being more scared of the movie then Amagi was. This showed a side of Takara that Amagi never saw before.

7. Tanaka still teases Amagi in an attempt to get Takara jealous, this works every time.

8. Takara has trouble sleeping at night is he isn't cuddling Amagi. Takara is also usually the big spoon, but on occasion Amagi basically hangs onto Takara like a backpack.

9. After a while, when they became more comfortable together talking about s-x, they both wanted to try some k-nks they had. They discovered they are quite k-nky but not in a hardcore bdsm, whips kinda way but in a more soft dom and tickling kinda way (Takara definitely tickles Amagi during sex).

10. Amagi is one of the few people Takara openly shows emotion around and smiles. Every smile Takara sends his way means everything to Amagi.

11. Takara loves how innocent Amagi can be about s-x. He likes being the one to teach him about all the different things. This is part of how possessive he is, knowing he is the only one to do these things to Amagi.

12. When Amagi realized he was ready to have s-x for the first time, he panicked and watched a bunch of p-rn before going to visit Takara. This resulted in some funny comments made by him that are things people only say during s-x.

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