:Zoey, Louis, Francis; Finding Bill As A Zombie

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Anonymous asked: The L4D crew have to shoot zombie Bill after he died sacrificing himself

Anonymous asked: The L4D crew have to shoot zombie Bill after he died sacrificing himself

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A quiet moment arose and the hoards had ceased as the last zombie was gunned down. They took a moment to catch their breath and reload their weapons when a sound of heavy boots stumbling across the road caught their attention. Turning in unison, they each went wide eyed when they noticed a once familiar face, a man clad in green attire, a military hat sitting crooked on his head. Bill...



She's distraught. The one thing she never wanted to happen, has happened, and she's witnessing it with her own eyes. She feels tears sting her eyes, both of sadness and rage. Zoey knows what needs to be done, but she just cannot face shooting down the man she once knew, and even grew attached to. She's frozen in place, unable to peel her eyes away from the infected stumbling around in front of her. She just prays that in the moment it doesn't come running straight for her. She doesn't want to be the one to shoot Bill dead, but knows it's wrong to leave him suffering. Zoey turns to her allies, tear trails painting her cheeks, as she tells Francis and Louis that she "can't be the one to do it". She turns away as she hears one of the men beside pull the trigger.


He stops in his tracks once he sees his former team mate, and any thought of optimism he had, has surely faded. Louis feels the same sadness as Zoey, but refrains from letting tears well up in his eyes. Louis comforts Zoey, though she was first to latch onto him for a tight hug. He knows he has to remain strong, but he doesn't know if he's strong enough to kill his friend, even if he is infected. Louis turns to Francis while he cocks his weapon, yet doesn't say a word, as though he's hoping they have the same idea, despite how upsetting it is. Losing Bill had already taken a toll on Louis, but having to kill their (now infected) friend will haunt him forever.


His facial expression is unreadable. Is he angry? Upset? Feeling any emotion at all? He paused, shotgun in hand, watching his ally stumble around for a moment, ignoring that pang of sadness that certainly struck him. He's best at keeping himself composed out of the three, and first to instigate the idea of putting the poor man out of his misery, despite Zoey's immediate protests. But truthfully, he's never been so hesitant about something in his life. While Francis had his shotgun raised, aimed perfectly at the zombie, he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger so hastily. Even Louis and Zoey sought it out of character for him. Eventually he came to his senses, and without a second thought Francis pulled the trigger. That moment struck him like knife to the heart, not that he'd ever tell.

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