Boyfriend Material by Speechless

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What really fucks with his head is the fact that Nick Grimshaw didn't just lie and disguise his evil plan as a birthday present.
He didn't simply force Louis into his little psychological torture despite his efforts to keep that from happening.
He didn't even stop after involving another innocent person into his cruel game.
He also paid Harry Styles, a handsome, charming, young chef, so he would teach Louis how to cook.
He told Harry Styles which days Louis works the morning shift and that's why Harry Styles knocks on his door every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

*So basically Nick bets Louis he can't go two months without sex. And then he introduces Harry to him. Because he's the Devil*

My notes:

Really good story with shocking plot. There is smut, cursing, flirting. It is only available on ao3. It has 22 565 words and 3 chapters. It has happy ending. It's completed story.


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