Day Twelve - Comforting Clothing - Ninjago OneShot

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(Me again) I had trouble figuring out which fandom I wanted to write about because there are SO MANY GOOD ONES!!!

Ah, the problems of a writer.

I still haven't decided yet, so I'm going to go with my first thought.

This one-shot has someone else's OC, Siena from @LuckyBugBooks ' Musically Me!

All credit for Siena's backstory and personality goes to Lucky!

Tysm for letting me use her, I'll try to write her well!

On with the story!

Siena was floating above clouds, the sun smiling down on her as she sighed, overcome with peace.

Lilac mist floated around her as she peacefully made her way among them, towards a majestic mountain peak rising above the sea of fluff.

Most people saw a mountain as a large obstacle, a bump in the road, or a problem.

Siena saw a gorgeous rock that resisted wear and tear from the elements, giving a home to elk and wolves.

And mountains never gave up either.

They stood strong even as they eroded, always reaching for the stars.

They held a simple strength that caused others to look to them for guidance.

Siena herself looked up to the mountains and admired their strength.

They inspired her to gain some courage for herself.



Was the mountain... speaking to her?


Yes mountain, I am here. What is it?

"Siena! Time to wake up!"


Siena opened her eyes and immediately shut them again, groaning as the beams of light speared her eyes.

There is no way I am getting up yet.

Siena thought and rolled over to go back to sleep.

"Siena! Breakfast time!"

Cole's joyful voice echoed from her kitchen and caused her to sit up in alarm.

Cole was in the kitchen???

Oh no.

Siena shot out of her bed and hurriedly pulled on sweats, pulling her hair up into a lazy bun as she dashed into the kitchen.

She stopped dead at the sight.

Cole, whistling merrily and dressed in a lilac apron, was touching the oven!

And it wasn't immediately combusting into flames!

Siena gaped for a moment before snapping out of it and managing to form words.

"Wha- how- huh?"

Well, half-words.

Cole looked around with a big smile on his face.

"I'm making breakfast!"

Siena had to wait a moment to gather her scattered thoughts before responding.


Cole looked confused.

"I'm... cooking?"

Siena shook her head and laughed a little bit.

"How are you not destroying my kitchen?"

Cole ahh'd in realization, then held up a cookbook with a happy smile.

"I have discovered the magic of cookbooks! Step-by-step instructions with the ingredients and amounts listed at the top, and even a picture or two of the finished product! It's working wonders, I tell you!"

Siena squinted at him suspiciously.

"That's the exact definition of a normal recipe. A cookbook is just a collection of recipes."

Cole frowned and looked at the cookbook.

"Then why is it working it's just like a normal recipe?"

Siena shrugged, then caught sight of a tiny curl of smoke coming from the slowly expanding pot...


She screamed, pulling Cole out of the way and behind a couch just as the pot exploded, sending burnt pancake batter all over the place and releasing choking black smoke.

The smoke detector triggered and sent the sprinklers off, soaking the room and quickly dissipating the smoke.

Siena stood up, soaking wet and unamused.

"What a way to start the day."

Cole stood too, chuckling sheepishly and looking around at the mess.

"Next time I'll wait for you to wake up."

Siena nodded, sighing happily as the sprinklers stopped.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan."

I hope I did well Lucky!

Please tell me if I could change her a little bit to fit her personality more!

Anyway, to all my other readers, I hope you enjoyed it!

Love you all to pieces!


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