Day Nineteen - Inspired by your birth flower - LOTR OneShot

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Dang it, I don't know what I'm going to do.

Backup plan it is.

Time to write about Leggy and G.

Legolas sighed as Gimli clumped through the fields, with no care whatsoever for the multiple plants he was mercilessly crushing beneath his feet.

This went on for quite a while before Legolas was finally fed up and stopped.

"Gimli, stop. Come here."

He said, kneeling next to a flower and pulling off his backpack, rifling through to find his water container.

Gimli turned and walked back, with a somewhat confused expression on his face.

"What is it?"

He rumbled curiously, wondering why Legolas stopped walking.

Legolas blew out an irritated breath, crossing his arms.

"You're killing these plants!"

Gimli looked down, sheepishly lifting his foot and examining the crushed plants beneath it.

"Did I kill it?"

He asked anxiously, feeling bad about the poor plants and silently admonishing himself for his obliviousness.

Legolas sighed again, pulling out his water container and pouring it over the squashed plant, smiling as it soaked up the water.

"No. You did not kill it. This is a chrysanthemum. They are not so easily killed."

The flower straightened, almost imperceptibly, and threw its petals up, beaming at the compliment.

Legolas noticed and arched an eyebrow at it, then turned back to Gimli.

"Chrysanthemums are hardy and strong. They are the first to bloom when the cold starts to come, choosing to bloom in the time when people need color and brightness."

Legolas gently touched one of the petals, smiling when he felt a tiny nuzzle from the plant.

"Fall starts with rain and grey clouds, but amongst the dreariness, chrysanthemums shine and spread their gorgeous color. They are truly brave little flowers."

Gimli sighed in mock aggravation.

"Thank you for the lecture, Professor Flowers, but half the day is gone and we aren't even halfway to our destination yet!"

Legolas shook his head with a grin and rose, stretching his arms languidly.

"Oh I don't know, I'm sure we still have lots of time."

Gimli scoffed.

"Never thought I would be the one urging you to keep walking."

Legolas grinned and tapped Gimli, then bolted, calling back over his shoulder.

"Tag, you're it!"

Gimli growled playfully, running as fast as he could on his short little legs.

When they were both gone, a tiny nature spirit rose from the flower, cupped her hands, and drank from the water that Legolas had spilled.

Mentally thanking the kind elf, she resolved to continue her mission and bloom as bright as she could.

Because even if not everyone could see her or care, some would, and if she brought a smile to the face of just one person, it was enough for her.


First, I had to find inspiration.

Second, weekend and computer isn't allowed to be used for two days

Third, and most annoyingly, once I finally got to school and opened it up, TECHNOLOGICAL PROBLEMS!!!!!!

My point is, it was difficult to get this out.

I hope it's worth it!


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