A Hurricane

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Kenzo stopped as she opened the door to the dungeon. Her ring wasn't just at two charges, it was gone. Her mind raced until one clear thought came across: The ring itself cannot exist twice. She stood at the top of the stairs, shocked. Who could she trust enough to give the ring to? Why would they need to use it within that week? This had to all be connected. She quickly made her way down the stairs, the door slamming behind her.

Faith noticed something on her left hand. A ring, with a single glowing section. She looked at it, puzzled. She heard footsteps approaching as a distant door slammed shut. She was too confused about this ring to notice. Did I pick this up on the trail?... Why would I put it on that finger? She looked up and recoiled a bit, seeing a figure in the doorway.

Kenzo was shaken to her core. She did give her ring away. It was used. It was sitting right there in front of her, on that girl's hand. It looked beautiful there. She looked beautiful. It looked so natural. She opened the door and held her hand out, offering it to the girl without a word.

Faith looked up at the offered hand with a bit of fear. The look on the Demoness' face had no ill intent behind it, neither did the look in her eyes. Her... eyes. They really brought out the rest of her features... She slowly stood up, blushing as she took the offered hand. Before she even knew what was happening, the two of them were already heading up the stairs and out of the dungeon.


Kenzo brought the confused girl over to the western wing of the manor and knocked on one of the doors. Someone replied, "Enter." The two girls looked at each other before entering the room. "Ah, Lord Kenzo... You return."

"Return?" Kenzo tilted her head. The Elder demoness chuckled.

"Forgive me, I must've been dreaming. The girl, please." She held out her hand. Faith looked a little scared, but Kenzo waved away her fears with a soft smile and a nod.

The girl slowly approached, offering her left hand to the Elder. She took it, "Only one charge on the ring, hmm?... You must've been busy; my condolences."


"Nothing." She turned the girl's hand over and looked and felt at her palm, then looked into her eyes for a moment. "This girl has quite a vast, untapped pool of Essence. I'd recommend training her in that, rather than swordsmanship. Besides, she doesn't seem to be the type that enjoys that mode of fighting."

Faith looked over at the Demoness questioningly as the Elder let go of her hand and shooed her away. Kenzo offered her hand again and the girl took it. They left the Elder's room and entered Kenzo's room. They sat on the bed, still holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. They both felt it in their hearts. No words had to be spoken. They closed in and shared a tender kiss, embracing each other tightly. It felt so natural.


The two girls had talked long into the night, learning bits of information about each other. Neither knew why they clicked so easily, but each of them knew they were madly in love with the other.

Faith woke up before Kenzo, before the sun was fully up. She watched her lover for a while before getting out of bed and walking out of the room. As she closed the door behind her and turned back down the hall, she found the Elder standing in front of her. "W-woah–"

"Hush up, Human. Lord Kenzo doesn't know anything to do with magic. She would only teach you to use swords," she scoffed lightly and gave the girl a toothy grin. "But you are delicate, like a flower. Using a sword is beneath you. Come," she beckoned the girl to follow and started hobbling towards the back exit. Faith tilted her head curiously, but did follow behind.

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