Bad chick

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It's been 2 months since I found out I was pregnant. I didn't really want to believe it but it was true! I had a little tiny bump nothing to big! I've started wearing baggy clothes today I'm wearing ripped black jeans and a black shirt and a denim over coat. I've also dyed my hair pink and white!¡ I'm starting to wear a bit of makeup.. Well me and Andrew don't talk anymore... I feel isolated and trapped because I've only my bestfriend Sophia she helped me through lots and now my life and my baby's life is depending on her!

Alexis get down here now! My mom shouted from down stairs
( everytime my mom shouts at me I always have a feeling she's knows)
I walked down the stairs.
I see my mom at the end holding up a dirty pair of underwear! Screaming
Alexis Maria Parker I see you didn't get your period this month!
Oh mom it's probably just late I say blushing red!
It better be young lady! Oh and I've noticed you've gained some weight what's with that!
Em... I don't know mom
I'm bringing you to the doctors c'mon get into the car I'll be out now she points to the car and out I go
I sit in the seat shaking a tear rolls down my face I'm so nervous and frightened!!
After about 5 minutes my mom comes out to the car! Right Alexis you better not be pregnant the doctor will take one look at you and know straight away so you better tell me now if you are or not!!!!

A/n will Alexis tell her mom she is pregnant what will happen next!??!?

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