Go Time!

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A/N: This the final chapter hope you guys enjoy!

Mike had just gone to bed. Twas the night before Winnie's play. His nerves were a wreck. He had everything prepared. Except for himself. He knew that if he took the Golden Book there would be no turning back. His grandma would be furious, and if she was mad then his mom and Pop would be upset too. He also knew how he needed to get the book before the All Knighter. (He had named the infamous robber that took his dad's journal and returned the All Knighter because he assumed that he or she did their business in the night) 

So that is what fueled his doubtful mind with confidence. The knowledge that somewhere out there, there was a person that wanted a book that belonged to his long lost father. He needed that book. He couldn't live without knowing everything possible about his dad. He fell asleep that night preparing his mind for the day of history and reckoning to come.

Mike woke up to the smell of fresh bacon and waffles. The perfume of the food wafed into his room and made his stomach growl. He hopped out of bed and put on is specific outfit: his camouflage t shirt, an new pair of gray jeans, and his dad's and his favorite bomber jacket. Once he was happy with his appearance he brushed his teeth and his hair then headed downstairs towards heaven.

When he landed at the bottom of the stairs he was greeted by his friendly dog, Jake. Jake was someone that Mike could always count on, good or bad unlike his grandma and Winnie. He once almost lost Jake, and if he actually had he didn't know what he would do with himself. He took a seat at the table and his mom came by and put down his plate in front of him. 

The smell of warm waffles filled his nose, he couldn't wait to dig in. Of course he had respect and waited for everyone to sit down before he started to enjoy his meal to the fullest extent. His mom, Pop, and grandmother all pulled out their chairs and took a seat. Pop smiled as he looked around at his family. He was so grateful to have them. He would never take advantage of these moments ever again.

Kate Fowler (Mike's gram) on the other hand was not at all happy. For she knew things that two–no make that all of the people at this table did not know. She knew of the hardships that you face when you chase after a dead man. She knew how much it hurts when you realize there is truly nothing you can do to bring them back. 

She also knew that her grandson was going to tear a hole in his soul that would and will never heal, not even if you chased all the artifacts in the world. It stays with you like obnoxious scars under the surface, but she knew that her grandson was determined. So with all of her might during the blessing she tried to convince God to make Mike not go after the Golden Book, but no matter how hard she prayed He didn't say he was going to. So she breathed out and apologized ahead of time. She was going to have to take this matter into her own hands.

Gail Fowler (Mike's Mom) was happy. Her reason however was different than you might think. She was happy because her son seemed brighter and the sun was set. Now the question is would it change for the better or the worse. Mike exhaled when the blessing was over. He had been holding his breath for the whole time. He had felt his grandmother's stare burning his forehead. So he locked his eyes shut and set his jaw. There was no time to feel bad for his fight with his grandma. He had a job to do. So when Pop finished his declaration to the Lord he dug into the food.

When breakfast was finished Mike headed to school. It was Monday so when he got to school his whole entire class was yawning and trying to stay awake. However his teacher Mrs. Johnson was practically bouncing up and down with every movement. 

When he had put his stuff in his locker he walked back to the entrance of the school by the benches which is where the detectives had always met before and after classes. The walls of the old school were painted brick red to match their brick design. There were blue lockers all over the place. Mike had always considered it weird to mix blue and red like that, but he didn't want to make his fashion forward principal, Principal Squalor, mad. 

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