Extra 1: Lemon Over Ice

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When YN and Harry were younger, camp never did anything to acknowledge the 4th of July.

It wasn't for any particular reason, she honestly thought it was probably because the camp director didn't care and the staff just forgot. It was always just another day at camp, same routine, and maybe singing a few weird country songs after dinner.

But in recent years things had changed, there was a new director in town, and Mitch gave an entire speech about how important it was to celebrate the 4th of July because these kids were probably missing out on something fun at home. So for the past several years they had set up a carnival to celebrate. To be fair, 'carnival' might be a bit of a strong word for the singular bouncy house, snow cone machine, a few balloons, and makeshift water slide on the field. But Mitch was committed and the staff did their job of hyping it up and the kids enjoyed it.

It was so popular, in fact, that YN was pretty sure her campers asked her more times about the carnival than about Harry that day. Which was definitely saying something considering their obsession with him had only gotten stronger after the two of them had started their relationship. She was pretty proud of themselves for keeping it such a good secret - campers weren't allowed to know about staff relationships. But these tweens were sneaky and YN and Harry almost blew their cover multiple times.

Like the time they came back from a day off and YN had a very obvious hickey on her neck and no good way of hiding it, but only a couple of the kids were old enough to recognize it so she told them all she burnt her neck with a hair straightener. Or the time she clicked her walkie but didn't actually walk out of the cabin right away and Harry started saying sweet things to her, so she had to pick it up and start talking to him about what they ate for lunch that day before any little ears could pick up on what he was saying.

Or now, when YN was licking at her snow cone and Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of her, practically groaning with the way she swirled her tongue around the top. On instinct, he walked up behind her and looped his arm around her waist, ready to give her a kiss to the cheek and say something filthy in her ear. Luckily, YN recognized what was happening rather quickly and took his hand in her own, peeling him off of her and spinning out like they were dancing.

"Harry!" she whisper-yelled, looking around to see if any campers had noticed the little slip up.

"I'm sorry baby, I just..."

YN raised her brow at the pet name.

"YN, I'm sorry. Just can't help it... now that I know what that tongue can do..." He whispered the last part, but YN was frustrated that he wasn't being careful enough.

"Not gonna do anything if you keep this up," she threatened.


"H, you're my favorite person. But I'm not losing my job over this, ok?"

He sighed, accepting defeat and looking at the field around him. Kids were playing, other staff were chatting, the sun was shining. All he wanted to do was scoop her up, smash their lips together, and never let go. Maybe between sessions when there are no campers around they can swim together, makeout in the pool like teenagers and giggle. Maybe in the fall they could go on real dates at restaurants, kiss outside the door, then fall into bed with each other late at night.

He nodded to the snow cone in her hand.

"What flavors did you get? Can I try some?"

"Yellow," she answered while holding it close to his face so he could take a lick.

"That's not a flavor."

"Shut up," she laughed. "Do you want a taste or not?"

He leaned forward a bit, puckering his lips before making contact with the flavored ice. He sucked some of the flavor syrup up but left the ice where it was. Closing his eyes, his expression mimicked the way he looked when he was between her legs, arms pressing down on her tummy, lips sucking hard at her clit. And YN knew he was doing it on purpose.

Quickly, she pulled the snow cone away, earning a pout and a whine from Harry in the process.

"Heyyyy, why'd you do that?"

"Harry! You can't be making those faces at me!" she scolded him softly.

Harry shrugged. "Not my fault. Got me all worked up with the way you were licking at it earlier. I swear... it's like I made you my girlfriend and all of a sudden I find out you're a secret little slut."

YN could feel the blood rushing up to her cheeks at his words. She looked behind her again, but was grateful to see that they were alone under the tree at the far end of the field. Never did she imagine Harry would be one to talk like that, or that it would send lightning down her spine. But she felt herself getting excited nonetheless.

"'M not a slut," she protested, bottom lip sticking out.

"Sure y'are. But you're my slut," he reasoned. "That was you sucking me off behind a cabin last night, right? Or is my night vision really that shit?"

"Yes," she whispered, looking at her feet in the dirt.

"That's what I thought. Eager little thing, hm? Hardly got m'pants off before your mouth was watering."

"Harry, stop it," she whispered again, a hint of a whine in the back of her throat. He was embarrassing her, and he was doing it on purpose.

But he only took a step closer to her.

"Weren't telling me to stop two days ago when I was eating you out in the empty lounge. Or last week when I was fucking you in the storage room. Or-"

"Ok!" she relented.

Harry chuckled a bit before taking a step closer to YN, talking low into her ear so no campers could hear. "That's what I thought. My perfect, sweet, amazing, slutty girlfriend."

YN desperately wanted to shrug off the words he was saying, but she just couldn't. The way he said them... even just the fact that it was him was driving her a little bit crazy. She looked down to her watch, it was only 3:00pm - she'd have to wait at least another 7 hours before she could really get her hands on Harry like she wanted. She'd have to wait all afternoon and evening before getting to tangle her fingers in his hair while he devoured her, or until she grasped his cute little ass as she pulled herself closer to him, taking him as deep as she could. She wanted to say 'fuck it', drop the snow cone in the grass, push him up against the big tree they were standing under, and give in to her desires.

"You think I'm perfect?" she teased instead.

"Course I do," he answered with a shrug. "Perfect personality, perfect smile, perfect body... perfect pussy..." he whispered the last part.

She shoved him by the shoulder, both of them laughing.

Before they had gotten together, she was so scared that making any kind of move, admitting her crush in any way, would ruin what the two of them had together. But it had only made their relationship stronger. He was still by her side all the time, a listening ear whenever she needed, a calming, soothing hug when the time was right. But they also got to make each other feel good in a way that no one else could, and that fact alone set her on fire when she thought about it.

Just then, two of YN's campers ran up to her, both of them instantly talking at warped speed. Something something she fell something something bleeding something sprained ankle?

"Alright, off to the infirmary then," she said with a sigh, handing her cone over to Harry to let him finish.

But Harry handed it back.

"I got this one," he said with a smile.

YN could see the look of excitement on the girls' faces at getting to spend some alone time with Harry, even if it was because one of them was injured.

"But!" he cut off her thoughts. "You owe me, later?"

She nodded silently. Paying him back would be no trouble at all. 

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