Chapter 3

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"I miss you already." He says into the phone while pulling the covers back. After she left they finished their food and he sent the kids right to bed. He stayed up for a few more hours reviewing cases. "I'm sorry..." she says quietly. She really wanted to stay but she can't stay when his daughter hates her. He sighs leaning against the headboard. "I love you." He says to her. Silence. "Em?" He gets worried. "Yeah?" She responds timidly. "I love you." Again he is met with silence. "You believe that, don't you?" She sighs and he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood "Of course I do. I love you too. It's just really hard now." She responds changing into the clothes she sleeps in. A t-shirt and panties. "I don't want our relationship to change because you've met Sara, Em." His brow furrows. "I know but it's not just us anymore, Aaron. Anyways, tonight is my first night back at my house in like 2 months." They both laugh. Due to her slowly moving into his house she has stayed there while they move her things to storage and sell other things. "My bed feels cold without you." It's true. Not having her body heat curled next to him is a drastic change. "Will I see you tomorrow?" He asks hopefully. He can hear her biting her lip. "I don't know Aaron..." Again, it would be the first day they wouldn't see each other if she didn't come over. "I'm gonna take the kids to the water park. Please come along. It will give us time to bond." He pleads. He really wants them all together. "Fine, agent Hotchner." She smiles and climbs into her own bed. "It's settled Agent Prentiss." She bites back a laugh and he grins. "Will you stay on the phone with me till I fall asleep?" She asks. She hates feeling vulnerable but it didn't matter when talking to him. "Of course my love." She lays the phone down by her head on speaker and curls up into her blanket. "Sweet dreams my darling Emily. I love you too." He whispers into the phone. He crawls under his blanket and holds the phone to his ear. "I love you too, Aaron." She closes her eyes with a smile touching her lips. Soon she is drifting off to sleep and Aaron can hear her breathing change. He waits a few minutes before saying "Em?". When he doesn't get a response he smiles and puts the phone on the nightstand.
Emily wakes up from a nightmare about Doyle to sound of her front door opening and closing quietly. She tenses up and grabs her gun from nightstand. Quietly getting out of her bed she walks into the hallway and comes to the corner. She hears footsteps and whips around the corner pointing her gun at the 3 figures. "Emily! It's us!" Hotch says quickly. She let's out a shaky sigh and lowers her gun. She drops the gun to the ground and starts crying. Seeing the tears slide down her face he pulls her into a hug and she cries into his shoulder. "It's me babe. It's me." He whispers in her ear trying to calm her down. "Great dad. Your girlfriend tried to kill us. Perfect way to start the day." Sara says sarcastically. "Emily?" Jack asks quietly. Emily wipes the tears from her eyes quickly and turns to the boy. "Yes stinky?" He giggles and shakes his head. "Do you need a big Jack hug to make you feel better?" She laughs and nods her head. He throws his arms around her neck. Emily catches Sara's glare and quickly let's go and stands up. "So Em, ready to go to the water park?" Hotch asks wiggling his eyebrows. She laughs noticing the boys are wearing swim trunks and Sara's swimsuit is peaking out at the top of her sweatshirt. "Let me go change first. Sara, Jack, I have strawberries with chocolate in the fridge." Both kids faces light up and she retreat back to her bedroom. Walking back into her bedroom she realized that she was still only wearing a shirt and underwear. Turning bright red she quickly ran into her closet. She grabs 3 swimsuits and puts them on her bed. Staring at them she can't decide what one would be better to wear to a place around kids. She peaks her head out the door and yells "Aaron! Come up here please!" Seconds later he is at her door slowly opening it. "I can't decide what one I should wear." She sighs and he grins. "Head out of the gutter Aaron! I'm being serious." Emily rolls her eyes at him and he looks at the 3 swimsuits laying on her bed. One purple strapless top with black bottoms, a white top with red bottoms, and a pink top with white and pink bottoms. "They are all bikinis." Emily says quietly and Aaron turns to her. He knows her self esteem issues. "Emily... you will look absolutely beautiful in whatever you choose. But personally I like the purple with black bottoms. You will look stunning." He places a loving kiss on her lips before leaving her to change. After putting it on she goes into the bathroom to brush her hair. Looking down she realized she hasn't taken her birth control in 2 weeks. Her eyes widen but she quickly pushes that thought away. Putting on shorts and a sweatshirt she ventures downstairs. When she gets to the bottom of the stairs Sara was standing there. "Good morning, Sara." Emily greets her. She shoots her a glare and walks out of the house. Emily sighs and grabs a couple towels from her closet and puts them into a bag. "Ready babe?" He asks Jack already running outside. "Always." She puts a loving kiss on his lips before following the children outside.

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