Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
They were finally able to take Brooklyn home. Hotch helped take the carseat and her bag inside. Emily immediately went upstairs and changed into pajama shorts and a tank top that would be easy for breastfeeding Brooke. Haley was coming by later to say hi. Hotch had to run to the store to buy some more bottles. Emily was pacing the house holding a screaming baby. "Honey what's wrong?" Emily asks quietly bouncing her in her arms. "Brooklyn please stop crying." She pleaded. "Let's try and feed you again." She says sitting down in the recliner. She lifts her shirt and adjusts Brooklyn so she could latch but she wouldn't take it. "Brooke be good for mommy please." Emily whispered again. Not even 10 seconds later she latched on and Emily let put a grateful sigh. She closed her eyes and rocked them in the chair. There was a knock on the door that pulled Emily out of relaxing while her daughter was content. She quickly grabbed a nearby blanket to cover up with so she could get the door. Haley stood there smiling with a box in hand. "Oh hi come in..." Emily said letting the blonde in. "Aaron ran to get more diapers and she got hungry." She said gesturing to the baby under the blanket. The 2 women both take a seat and Emily speaks again "where is your little one?" She asks situating herself and Brooke so she could burp her. "At home with Adam. I brought by a present for you. You can open it whenever you get a second." Haley says smiling at the first time mom. "You didn't have to do that!" Emily says laughing. "Please you got me things too. Now let me steal that monkey." Now they both laugh and Emily hands off Brooklyn to Haley. Aaron walked in the door carrying a box of diapers and a bag. He looked astonished to see Emily and Haley getting along in their living room. "She's beautiful Aaron." Haley says running her hand over the jet black hair the baby has on her small head. "Thank you. I'm gonna go soak these new bottles and pacifiers that I bought for her." Hotch awkwardly kisses Emily on his way to the kitchen. "I think she's poopy" Haley says laughing. Emily smiles before standing up to take the baby from her. She lays her down on the changing table connected to the playpen they have in the living room. "Miss Brooklyn did you poop your pants for mommy?" Emily asks smiling down at the sleepy looking baby. As soon as Emily takes the baby's pants she starts screaming at the top of her lungs. "Shh Brooke please calm down." Emily says trying to finish changing the diaper. Haley approaches and moves Emily aside, changes the diaper quickly, and calms the baby before lifting her off the changing pad. She hands her back to Emily. Brooklyn starts screaming as soon as she is in Emily's arms. She tries to soothe her but nothing will make her stop crying. She walks around bouncing her but the baby keeps screaming. "Brooklyn you're being difficult." Emily murmured. Again Haley walked over and takes her out of Emily's arms. "You aren't doing this right." She calms her down and rocks her in her arms over and over till she falls asleep. "Haley. I understand you are trying to help but Brooklyn is mine and Aaron's daughter. You cannot keep taking her from me when I'm trying to take care of her. I need to do it myself!! You aren't helping at all!" Emily states carefully taking the sleeping baby from Haley's arms and walks straight upstairs. She goes into the babies bedroom and puts her in the crib in search of a baby towel and a warm baby onesie. Once she found it she walked across the hall so she could take a bath with the baby. They both settled in and she could hear Haley talking. "I was trying to help and she turned into a bitch." She heard Haley state. "Are you sure the baby is even yours? She doesn't look like you! You never know! The baby could be anybodys!!" Emily looked down at Brooklyn who had her eyes closed against her chest. She did look like Emily but she definitely had Hotch's mouth. After Haley's rant she didn't hear anything back from him. He didn't defend her at all. After washing the baby and herself quickly and gently she toweled them both off and walked into the guest room to lie down........

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