Lucinda's Mission

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He called me to his room. I walked through the hallways thinking what I did wrong . My father controlled Heaven which is the good side of Earth. We take care of the humans down below. On the other side is the Netherlands. The side that makes the humans bad.
I walked up into Father's room trying to relax.
"It is I, may i come in?"
A deep voice answers on the other side.
"Luci, you know you don't have to knock. Come in."
Hearing that makes me relieved. At least I know he isn't mad.
I opened the door and see a bright light.
"Lucinda!! Finally, I was wondering where you were."
Father doesn't seem mad but worried.
"Was there anything you needed?"
Father looks away. He turns to some papers on the table.
"You will go to the human realm"
This didn't shock me this always happens. Someone has a mission in the human realm and they do it in a day.
"This ones different"
I was confused. How is it different? Could it be harder than the last?
Why would he let me do it?
Questions flooded my brain, until his voice brought me back to reality.
"This mission might be dangerous, I trust that you will be able to finish it"
I stood there with questions flowing in again. Father must have seen right through me because he then says
"You will protect a human"
What is different about this one? This is what we always do.
"But this one will take longer than usual."
"Why??" I asked look straight up at him. I was paying close attention to what he was doing. He looked back at me with a blank stare but besides that I could tell he was serious. After a few seconds he sighed and closed his eyes for a few seconds. He then opens his golden eyes back up. I can tell he wants me to listen very close.
"Luci, I want you to be careful with this assignment. This mission is given to you because I know I can trust you."
I looked at him. Listening to every word he said, and carving them into my brain, making sure that I know everything thats going on in this next mission.
" This mission will be protected by you and against a demon.
How? They never go up to the surface. Why now? Should I have been chosen? Will I-.
My thoughts were cut if when my father stood up. He marched up to me and escorted me to the door.
"Luci, the paapers are on your desk in your room. Please look at them before you go."
I looked up at him he was looking forward and opening the door while his other hand was guiding me through the door. When I went out he closed the door and I walked down the stone creaking stairs in the middle of the hallway.

Ahhhh help me pls!! I need more ideas and gramar help!! Imma die if someones actually sees this 😱

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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