Chapter One; Understanding.

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Kate stared into her first born daughters eyes. "She's beautiful. . . ." Kate muttered, her husband, Hayden nodded in agreement. "She has your eyes." He said and Kate chuckled.

"She has your nose." Kate pointed out, Hayden got nervous and felt his face heat up. Kate chuckled and looked at him. "That's a good thing, my mountain." As Kate said that Hayden smiled lightly, Kate called him 'her mountain' it was a cute nickname and taken into consideration, him being tall and all.

"It's- you did a good job, Kate." Hayden said, looking into her eyes. Kate smiled then she kissed the baby on the forehead earning a squeal in response.

"What are you naming her?" A nurse asked after coming inside the room. Kate thought for a moment and looked at Hayden. "Rosemary- Rosegold..... R...." Kate started mouthing names, Rosegold she said aloud. The nurse stared at Kate then turned to write it down. "Wait, no." Kate said rubbing her baby's cheek.

"Ambrosia." Hayden's voice filled the silence that followed and Kate's eyes lit up. "Ambrosia Scott. Beautiful...." Kate said and the Nurse smiled before turning away, writing information down on the birth certificate.

Hayden walked back into the house with groceries, he sighed. Before he walked inside the church, or the Clergy looked way more quiet than usual. Papa Nihil dictated the town, the small town. Everyone here believed in the Satan, instead of Jesus, whilst being holy at the same time.

"Hayden! You're home!" Kate smiled widely as she walked out of the kitchen. "Hi, where's Ambrose?" Hayden asked noticing their 2 year old was gone. "I just laid her down for a nap, why were you gone so long?" Kate said, Hayden walked into the kitchen not answering her. "Hayden." Kate's voice became more demanding, Hayden flinched almost but contained himself. He hated conflict and would cry anytime him and Kate had arguments.

"Kate, I'm- I- I'm sorry. . ." Hayden turned to look at her, he didn't cheat, Kates sister had passed. Kate glared. "What?" She said her voice toned with acid. "Kate, the ghouls are coming to collect you." Hayden suddenly said and Kate lost it.

"What?!" She half shouted and Hayden flinched. "Kate, your brother he's," "Hayden. Why, is he- did the angels take him...?" Kates voice broke and Hayden looked her in the eyes, nodding.

"No, no. he can't be- James can't be." Kates breathing elevated then the door opening made them pause. "No, NO!" Kate shouted, a loud sob came from Ambrosia's room and Kate ran to her room, ghouls following. Hayden watched in shock.

"NO, NO, NO." Shouting from the other room made Hayden come back to it, a ghoulette who he believed was Cumulus walked into the kitchen. Her  black veil and plague doctor mask intimidating him. "Sophie," Was all he could say. "Mad." She reminded him.

"I- I don't understand. Why did you, join the Clergy?" Hayden asked and Cumulus froze. "I- I lost my daughter and my husband, Hayden. That's what happens to us, I could've become Sister Gallica. But then my husband killed himself after Maddison died of an overdose." Cumulus calmly said, most likely becoming numb to the fact her family committed suicide except for her.

Positions in the Clergy didn't just come to parents and recently widowed spouses and lost family members. Especially a Ghoul and Ghoulette. That meant the clergy had their eyes on you for years if they take you from your home. "But why take her? Why not take me." Hayden said and Sophie- Cumulus shook her head.

"You know how it goes. You have to loose a daughter. Not a brother or son." Cumulus said and Kate was dragged out of the nursery. Screaming and wailing. The Ghouls had a grip on her as they dragged her out of the house.

One of the ghoulettes came out of the room following and handed Ambrosia to Hayden. "Shhhh, Shhh-" Hayden said comforting his crying daughter. The ghoulettes nodded to Hayden and they left. Hayden stood there, alone with Ambrosia, Ambrose. In his arms.


Words: 679

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