Chapter 3: The Break In

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"Hey Chespin!" Tepig said, while running into the house. 

I was playing some fighting game on our Xbox, Tepig normally plays with me but he was out today hanging out with Cyndaquil and Bulbasaur. 

"Oh, hi Tepig." I said, pausing the game. 

"Is there something you need?". 

Tepig, heavily breathing, shook his head. "No, however we just wanted to know if you wanted to come with us while we snoop through Mudkips house!". 

I froze for a moment. It took me a bit to process what he had said. 

"What? No! Are you crazy! You can't just break into some ones house and take stuff!" I said while shouting. 

He giggled a little bit. "I don't get why it matters to much, he kinda.. well.. died, remember?"

I sighed. "It's still illegal, Tepig." I stated. 

His face got a bit more serious. "Come on Chespin, you always sit around and be good. Why not come with us and have a little fun! You don't even have to take anything, lets at least look around." 

I thought for a moment. Maybe he was right, maybe I don't do anything rebellious. If we get caught, I'd be in a ton of trouble! But, it wouldn't hurt to try it out, right? 

"Fine, I'll do it." I said. "It wouldn't hurt to try it out." 

Tepig lead me to where Cyndaquil and Bulbasaur were at, almost directly in front of the house. 

"Finally.", Cyndaquil muttered "Are we ready to go inside?" 

We all confirmed except for Bulbasaur. 

"Are you guys sure this okay?" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, it'll be fine!" Tepig said as he ran up to the door and jiggled the door knob. "It's locked."

This would be a good excuse to go home. I wouldn't feel any guilt or regret about going inside if I don't. "Well, that's to bad, okay then Tepig lets go home."

"Wait a minute." I heard Tepig say. "Chespin, can't your quills sharpen up when you flex them?"

I didn't know how he knew this, but he was right. I'm not sure why he brought it up. If he was thinking about using them to pick the lock, my quills were still to thick to fit in the tiny lock on the door.

"Yeah? What about it?"

He looked at Cyndaquil with a mischievous grin. "I'm going to need your help with this." He said, still looking at Cyndaquil.

They both ran toward me and grabbed me. I started moving around and kicking around. "What are you guys doing? Put me down!" 

They ran back towards a window that looked slightly broken. "Better flex your quills!" Tepig said.

I was still really confused. "What? Why? Tell me or else-" I was cut off by the swift motion of me being thrown. I closed my eyes, then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head and fell on a cold floor. I opened my eyes, feeling a little dizzy. Eventually, I was able to look around without seeing just blurriness. I was in the house. Mudkips house.

"Looks like we didn't even need your quills!" I heard Tepig say.

I looked down to see me sitting on glass. There were small cuts on my body. "What the hell Tepig?!" I angrily said.

Cyndaquil started wiping off the blood on the glass with a handkerchief. He stared back at Tepig. "Wasn't there a better way to go about it? If they get the DNA from Chespins blood and find out it's us, we're going to be in big trouble!"

Tepig seemed to ignore Cyndaquil and looked at me. "Sorry Chespin, didn't mean to hurt you." He reached out his hand, and I grabbed it to help myself back up.

Bulbasaur fearfully said, "Come on guys, let's just look around and get out of here quickly."

We all agreed and when toward the trap door that never got closed when he was arrested.

I didn't want to take anything, or touch anything. I saw Bulbasaur doing pretty much the same, but he was also shaking. Out of fear, I guaranteed. I saw Tepig touched and looking at everything that look valuable. There were thoughts racing through my head, wondering if this was a good idea.

Until suddenly, I saw something in the corner of my eye. I turned my head toward it, after all, it caught my attention somehow. It was just a book. A really thick book. I waked up toward the book, sitting on a small wood table. I read the title on the hard cover.

I gave me an idea. It was a very bad idea. I picked up the book and flipped through the pages. A wide grin appeared on my face.

"This should work." I muttered, closing the book and putting it under my arm. 

"Okay! I got my stuff I'm ready to go." I heard Tepig say. He was holding a load of metal. "I didn't think he'd have this stuff, considering he's a scientist."

We went back up, and quickly ran. "Only 15 minutes! They'll never find out." Tepig said.

We all walked along the side walk. Tepig was struggling keeping his metal along. "Bulbasaur, hold some of this too, you didn't get anything!" He shouted.

"Okay, okay!" Bulbasaur said, quickly grabbing the metal.

"So uh, why did you guys get what you got?" Cyndaquil asked. He had a few pens and a sketchpad. "I got this to draw some stuff."

"I got mine so I can sell it and make a lot of cash!" Tepig said proudly. "How about you Chespin? I didn't think you were into that type of stuff." He said glaring at the book.

"I- Well, I'm not, but I feel like it's cool thing to get into." I was lying a little bit, but they wouldn't understand if I told them the truth. We eventually got to our house.

"Bulbasaur, put the metal in this bush for now, Chespin, please don't tell mom and dad." I forgot he called my mom and dad that. I guess it's our mom and dad now though.

I opened the door and quickly ran to my room so my mom wouldn't see my cuts. Dad was at work right now, luckily. I put the book on my dresser, and just stood there for a moment.

Now I just needed supplies, and everything can be normal again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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