First Outing

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" Sensei! Sensei! I've passed the Final Selection! "

Your master merely looked over his shoulders, his straw heads shadowing his face, not moving from the boulder he was currently sitting on. You could feel his gaze on you, probably scanning the injuries you received from the 7 days of battling demons in the test. One of your arm was broken, and there was a nasty purple bruise on your chin. You held an excited expression, waiting for your master to shower you with compliments for your success. Maybe this time, he would do so...

" Hmph. When I entered the test, I didn't even earned myself a cut. " He clicked his tongue, turning his head away. " At least you have passed the test. That's what to be expected anyway. "

Your heart sank a little. " But, sensei... I -- I was the youngest participation in the test! I was the only 14 years old! I was the only girl! Even the Ubuyashiki's two children who welcomed us were amazed of my ability! "

" You are trained under my teaching, you should be the best of the best. You should count yourselves lucky that they even let a girl to enter the test. " Your master mumbled, no hint of emotions in his voice tone as always. " The Final Selection is merely the beginning. You still have a lot to learn. Do not think naively that you are already skilled. Unless you can beat me in a combat training, then you're just as weak as I found you two years ago. "

Your eyes dropped to the ground, your smile faded. You had expected this a little, since your teacher had always acted like this. A simple ' you've done a good job ' would've been satisfying enough for you. You had been looking forward to this since you've finished the test, but was only met with cold words. Not to mention that you certainly was in trouble now with all these injuries and you being away for a week without your brother's permission. Oh, he would gave you an earful of scolding that you wouldn't be fond of.

" Go home, we shall continue out training after a week. "

You gave a curt nod and hummed, still staring at the ground with a disappointed look.

" (Y/n), I need a clear, vocal answer. " His tone sharpened. " Am I clear? "

" Yes, sensei. " You straightened your back and answered him, trying not to show how your voice shook.

He didn't even asked weather you were okay or not. As you began to limp away, you thought to yourselves,

' I need to work harder. I shouldn't let down sensei. I need to become a Hashira. '

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There was always that man who hung around the small food stall where you often bought mochi. He would sat on the sidewalk, eating a mochi, his face shielded with a straw head that reminded you of your teacher.

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