'Lunar Eclipse'

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The beauty of the forest in the bright light was alluring.
The chirping and singing birds, the humming bees.....
Seeing the butterflies, she walked on the golden grass and followed them into the dense forest. The further she went, the more mysterious and mesmerizing it became...
They were floating in the air, their wings fluttering like tiny waves of silk.....

she clicked a picture of this dreamy sight.

"Perfect !"

she whispers a self appreciation.

Fear clawed up her throat, her body shook,she is brave enough but that particular sounds made her tremble from inside.she suppressed a shiver, bolt of panic hit her.

A scream echoes and she fainted. a sharp stone pricks her hand. blood was pouring from her hand.

She fluttered her eyes. There was a slight pain in her head.

She gazes at the mesmerizing view of the night sky and takes a sharp breath in the chilled air.


The stars were shining like little silver snowflakes in the night sky.

She get up with a jolt.


Where is she?
she had fainted in the morning.
How did she come here?

She panicked and tried to get up but a strong hand held her soft hand.

"Calm down! You are safe. "

His husky voice, his deep black eyes, musky smell, rough touch sent a shiver down her spine.

"W..who are you ? w..hy did you bring me here?
where am I ? Let me go... I'm innocent, I didn't..."

she Pleaded.

He Chukuled.

"You talk too much darling... Relax! first answer I am a living being, second I found you unconscious in the middle of the forest so bring you here. Third you are in the same forest but in my tent, and last,I will drop you tomorrow morning at your destination. Now drink it... "

"What is this?"

She asked.

He sighed and said
"It's whiskey, I need to change your bandage so...it will help you bear the pain.."

She chuckled

"Pain? This pain is nothing for me Mr Living being, nothing..... "
Tears rolled down from her eyes.

The sudden strong urge to caress those soft cheeks and wipe the rolling pearls from her Hazel eyes.

He put the whiskey glass aside and started changing her bandage.
The silence between them was suffocating, yet it was needed.

The cold wind was making her shiver.He covers her with his leather jacket....

The howling of the wolves broke the silence of the night.

fear fluttered in her stomach....

He whispers.

"There is nothing to fear...Howls are used for social rally calls, to hunt, or as a territorial expression. A howl can even help a lost wolf find its way home... "

She shifted closer to him. she feels an unknown sense of security near him.

"Why did you come to the forest? And How did you faint..? "
he asked with worried eyes.

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