~•Mana illu•~

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The night was dark, the sounds of crickets were breaking the silence of the night.
Raghav entered the mansion.

"You’re late", she said.

"But I didn't tell what time I was coming.... 
And it doesn't matter what time you come home when nobody is actually waiting for you."

She looked at his torn shirt and the blood-soaked wounds, and her face painted with worry.

"You must have beaten up some goons, now tell me what were they doing?"

Pallavi asked narrowing her eyes.

"I can’t believe you said that",

Raghav said, shaking his head.

" What...? "

"You should have asked what I did....because that is what you all think. it's always me who's wrong.. "

He said with a painful smile on his bruised lips.

"let me bandage,it must be hurting...."

"No need dear wifey, I'm used to getting hurt and trust me now I've accepted that I'm always meant to be hurt... "

He sipped his whiskey, burning his bruised lips with that alchohal.

She felt something stinging her heart, He is absolutely right, its been two months since their marriage now he tells her about the misunderstandings which caused a mess between them. He shared everything with her, be it his bitter dark past or his good deeds.He was about to agree to Vijay Deshmukh's evil demand, he forgives her evil sulochana kaku, he is doing everything possible to make them all happy..... But
where is 'HIS relationships' in all this happy relationships drama?
He is still suffering alone.

His mother is blaming him for a crime he didn't commit, his sister is cursing him because he wants to protect her? And his wife, yes she thought to herself, HIS wife has hidden many things from him.....
She isa good daughter, a good daughter-in-law, a good sister, a good friend, but what about  wife....?
it was a forced marriage then but Now this is not a forced marriage, she is living here with her choice, he asked her for her wish and it is her choice to accept this marriage which is more beautiful than everything that happened to her. She is happy to be his wife. Then how did she Failed...?

a tear rolled down her cheek

'If you don't know why you need to change, you don't need to change, before you can change yourself, you have to realize where you are going wrong'

"Ye kaise bazar hai kambhakht,  hazaar gamo ke badle ek kushi nahi....
Aakhir Sauda  kafi mahanga hai,har kisi ke bas ka nahi.. "

He stood by his magnificent glass window,Staring at the deserted sky that has only darkness, the shining moon was hidden in the clouds.....

sounds of Anklets broke his deep thought

She snatched the glass from his hand and grabbed his wrist and made him sit on the bed.

"I don't __ " , He shouted.

"dare you utter a word"

she bandaged his wounds and was wiping his bruised lips...

His intense gaze was making it difficult for her to concentrate on her action. His hot breath fanning her cold skin, she broke eye contact, it was a strange yet pleasing feeling she had never experienced before.

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