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"Fuck Suguru."

" What did I tell you about attracting crowds?  We're gonna get killed if this stays for too long."

"Don't blame me. I was hiding pretty well till your loud ass voice showed up."

"Tch. Can you call Toji? My phone's already dead and yes it was on life support while I was calling you."

"I'll try. How come you didn't bring him with you here?"

"Well, you said you want me to be there in 10 minutes. so I did"

"dammit (Y/N) I told you not to take things literally"

Earlier, after you parked your car close enough to the airport's parking lot, it's near a cafe that sells a few of your favorite goods.

You regret that decision.

You walked inside with your black shades and mask searching for him for a bit and immediately calling him after like,5 minutes of searching.

Turns out he's walking towards you but before he could walk faster to you, you turned your head towards him and that stupid mouth of yours decided to yell 'Suguru!' and mind you the airport was a bit packed up.

People started invading both of your privacies and a lot of 'HOLY SHIT' 'YO IT'S (Y/N)' 'oh my god. there's Getou Suguru too!?!' 'Can we get a picture together?' Can you sign my photo album of you Miss (Y/N)!!??' can be heard of.




'NO ME!'


That was your favorite. You laughed after hearing the loud screams.

"Are you serious right now? In this situation? I can't believe you." As he tried to push back the sea of people. You can faint at any given moment but you saw Toji walking straight in your direction. And dividing the wave of people like the red sea.

"Excuse me, ladies and gents, we'll be taking our leave now! -" as you get in Toji's embrace and sit on his arms bridal style.

"-and thank you for always supporting us," Suguru said finishing your sentences after planting his body on Toji's back and putting his arms on his shoulder.

"Shut your mouths. We're leaving now, so hold tight."

Screams and yells left the crowd's mouth after Toji ran off to his car. It was so fast that both you and Suguru almost got whiplash. As you were about to sit in front of the car, Toji's hand stopped you. " What about your car?" 

"I'll let someone pick it up, don't worry."

He sighed and let you sit in front while Suguru sat in the back. "Suguru, where's  Choso? I thought he's coming home with you or something."  

" He said something about the photoshoot not going as well as it planned or something so he might be in Kyoto for a while. I'm not sure either" he said while checking out his socials and the number of videos with you and him in it from earlier, it's almost everywhere.

"Oh, and he said about his director forcing him not to eat as much as he wants. And said the reasoning is, 'so he could look skinnier and less bulky." We talked for a bit before I drive to the airport this morning"

"Choso said he didn't take it to heart so-" as he immediately stopped after hearing your loud tensed up silence and veins that looked like it's about to burst.

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